No sound from 552 (shorted Snaic 5)

Yes, it’s gone to Chris - I didn’t even buy it through them. Their service is exceptional, way beyond what Naim will provide here. I just hope that if parts are required, they will be forthcoming - as that has been an issue.

Thanks, much appreciated.

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more than two ways to skin a cat, it just costs more money. i have a plan so cunning…tail, weasel…


You win the award for cryptic comments :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


yes agreed, even more so if your a customer. i was in Wellington a few weeks ago, called into his shop,
got myself and a mate a demo pretty much on spot of some very impressive Fyne 1-1-8 stand mount, those speaker’s seriously i’ve never seen a speaker built of that quality wow! Anyway Dave was the salesman excellent service knowledgeable friendly. without any shadow of doubt on my next upgrade i’ll be contacting them (lp12 cart) when money and wife allows :cry:)
speakers sounded great, only issue for me was i don’t think they can handle my 500 Jandel.
SL2 very very hard to beat in the under $20,000 even these days imo.


It’s been repaired and is on its’ way home - a failed DR regulator. The LED volume light has also been fixed (it had an intermittent fault).

It was repaired by the grace of the ex-Naim distributer, being a “loyal customer”. Naim don’t offer support for this level of kit in New Zealand. I do, now, regret going to this level with a brand that won’t support its customers here. It’s wonderful gear, so I will keep it, and the used market has crashed here, but it’s the end game with Naim for me.


Expensive to repair?

$310, including freight it home, plus the $87 I spent sending it to them.


That’s not that bad when you considered what it could have been.


Yes, I’m very happy with the outcome.


The relays tend to either go wrong in the first few weeks of the pre’s life or work for years and years. I had one go down on both my 552 and S1. Fingers crossed that you get a swift and satisfactory outcome Mike.


Yes, it’s fixed - see a few posts above.

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Sorry I missed that. Great news. Get back to enjoying music on your excellent system :+1:


Excellent news Mike and a super fast service, maybe we should send all our equipment down south, probably quicker even with the flight!!


Good news Mike, could have been much worse.

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Classic ‘bathtub curve’ for electro-mechanical component reliability.

Great news all round, happy 552DR listening !

DR regulator where? PS, Amp?

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Glad it sorted. Super grateful to live in the same country as Naim as I have found turnaround and speed of service from Naim HQ to be fantastic. So happy it’s now fixed for you!


i’d say the ex Naim service agent may have a wee stash of things to help out his customers.


Well, I seem to have hit another snag. The 552 had a failed DR regulator that was fixed and checked. I reassembled it all again today, a rebuild as I swapped the 552PS and 555PS around today and couldn’t get any sound. Went through checking the leads and the DIN to XLR connections with no resolution.

I’ve checked the input sockets and think I had the LP12 and headphones the wrong way round: was headphone output on input 6 and the LP12 on input 5, which I’ve now swapped around - LP12 now on input 6. ND555 is on socket 2. Now, on powering up I get a loud hum from the speakers, so have powered down the 300 again.

Speaking with the ex-Naim guys here, I will do a test rebuild on the floor tomorrow with a fresh pair of eyes to see whether there is something obvious I’ve missed, and will take it from there.

I’m mulling over getting a cable made up to run the 300 of the Nova, to see whether the issue is with the 300?

Any other suggestions are very welcome.

So the hum is only from one speaker - the left one.