Not "liking" legendary bands or artists

One day I’ll get through a whole album.

Her debut album is worth a listen. I’ve always found the mega album to be unlistenable and incomprehensible. Like a female Vic Reeves doing his pub singer.


And what about that Mozart bloke how overrated is he. I’ve never liked any of his recent albums.

Preferred GoKart Mozart meself.


I’d certainly agree with that. Apparently Tom Wait’s wife introduced him to the singing style of Captain Beefheart. From then on his albums are unlistenable imho.

A lot of artists you need to see live to get them! I saw the Dead a few times, amazing live. In my experience the truly great bands have always been better live. That said I get Dylan just don’t like his voice. Zeppelin never got to see them but they are maybe the best ever… Rush, CSN, Beatles, Traffic, Allman Brothers, Dave Matthews Band, Jethro Tull, Yes, Pink Floyd. I could fill a page with great bands. That said I don’t care for Punk Rock, or Rap.

I get that to some extent. Rain Dogs and Swordfishtrombones are wonderful but also definitive. I’ve a soft spot for Bone Machine and The Black Rider but beyond that there are some nice ballads and he just sounds like himself to the extent that it’s yawningly predictable.

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Wall of Sound songs produced by Phil Spector. The legendary Wall of Sound. I don’t like it. It’s an aural assault.

Sometimes, when you hit pause partway through a track, there is a sense of relief that it’s stopped. That’s how I feel about much produced by Phil Spector. Da Doo Ron Ron blah blah is just a Wall of Noise. You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’, same.

Phew, that’s better.

I’ll borrow a quote for this thread, not mine and the UK contributors at least will remember the late, great John Peel of BBC radio fame, who spent his life promoting and collecting new music in all it’s forms. John wasn’t one to mince his words and he said:
“There is no such thing as good or bad music, only good or bad listeners.”
There’s possibly a lot of truth in that, we all carry our learnt preferences and prejudices…. As a youngster I could listen to almost nothing but heavy rock, nowadays I’ve mellowed with some folk, jazz, ambient, classical.
But having said all that, I always turn my nose up at Queen :joy:

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I tend to think John was meaning it about the general antipathy against, er… ‘left field’ ‘out there’ music such as, say, Trout Mask Replica…

Or he was being slightly disingenuous!

But I remember he played the young Elton John a bit!
I preferred it when he didn’t.


Keith Richards was wrong about the Grateful Dead. Even when the drugs were working, they were utter sh!te.
As fer Queen, I run from the room screaming if someone plays those shrieky nincompoops with the histrionic vocals and blackboard-scratching guitars.
Others that I can’t abide would include the sainted Elton and his Johns, Roger “do me a bloody favour” Waters, any prog codswallop (which pretty much means the whole stinking lot of it), Red Hot Wotsits, Rush, Pearl Jam, the Dave Matthews Bland. And so many more.
Right. I’m away for a lie down.


Queen, Genesis. Both had a couple of good uns, but the rest more bad than good. U2, just the one good and then repeat for the next 50 years.
Obviously I’m wrong because they made a lot of money from others that liked them.

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Loving this thread :blush: I used to try quite a lot of new stuff from the Facebook lp12 and Naim fora but disliked most of it - more solo artists than bands, so not quite in the spirit of the thread, but I completely understand that for most people there is probably a broad thread of stuff that many other people seem to love but which we find awful

It would be boring if we all liked the same things. Though come to think of it if we did we wouldn’t realise it was boring…:face_with_monocle:

Oops just remembered one of the bands I just don’t get - Steely Dan, and Donald Fagan also. I have tried, honest :person_shrugging:


Agreed. You should be able to not like someone’s favourite. The problem is those that can’t be respectful when responding to others.

It took me a long time to get them. I used to think AJA was a very boring album and made fun of it with friends. Now I love it, it’s their mix of jazz/pop/art/groove that makes it interesting. But my favourite Steely Dan album is Katie Lied.


Rod Stewart, yuck……


Purely for musical reasons, right?

Can’t abide the whining voice of Neil Young. Bloody RP play stuff of his every day, on every one of their mixes; queue instant station change.





For me a no go are the Stones, Beatles, U2. Can not stand them awful vocals get hives if i lisen to them.

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I liked his early stuff up to A Night on the Town then he just became a crooner (and not a very good one either). I do love Maggie May, Mandolin Winds and You Wear it Well.