nova+Harbeth 40 p3 Bloated, swollen, mushy!

I know there’s language issues so I won’t take the p*ss but I’ve got tears running down my face reading this, more please!


This is great stuff. Have the mistresses commented on the Nova and the P3?


I’m not sure someone called Bigboy should be commenting on mistresses.


I hope it’s soon, I need to brush my teeth now.

I’ve been tossing with it for many years

I put a pair of mistresses at home

I like P3 after the rain very much

the equipment rack is thick and moist

This can’t be real… :joy: :joy: :joy:

Some of the translations are very funny when translated to English. Please do not take offence to any comments about this. We are here to help.

I am sorry to hear your problems but i agree with everyone. Your comments sound like you are not actually hearing the Nova properly. Comments such as bloated, swollen and mushy, indicate that you have setup issues, room issues, and/or translator issues.

You really need to do some testing. As others suggest, remove all furniture in the picture and place ONLY the nova and speakers in the listening area. Then find a frequency sweep on youtube from 20-200 hz and play. Start with the speakers hard up against the wall and move out at 2-3cm each time and replay. You will know when you hear problems and where the speakers need to be to sound best and without any overblown sections. It is quite obvious. Also try to move them wider or more narrow to see if this makes a difference also. This may take a few hours but it is well worth it. You can then use a sweep from 20-20000 to make sure there are no major dips in the midrange.

I know people are going to say this is silly and that you need a mic and software etc, but seriously you can get 90% of the way there with this method.


Since I don’t trust any advice on amp recommendations from the Harbeth admin and designer himself, I would take the information from the website with a grain of salt. Perhaps easy to drive means most low powered amps would be able to drive the speakers with considerable ease (ie. an acceptable sound quality is produced by the speakers) but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the sound will be great.

So I see you now own the Nova with P3ESR. That’s good to know. From 202/200 to Rega Aethos to Nova. Nice. Finding the ultimate amp to optimise the speaker is tricky, and it can be a costly affair. This does not only apply to the P3ESR but any other speaker. Although I find the 282/250DR to sound great with the SHL5+, I am aware the speakers will sound even better with higher level amps. There are comments that the 300DR is the minimum requirement for the SHL5+ and the 250DR is inadequate after the comparison was made on the speakers. For me, the 250DR is good enough and it’s just a matter of managing expectations. Having said that, there will be a certain threshold or level of acceptability to achieve before one can convincingly stay with the system and enjoy the tunes.


Or maybe a LFD NCSE 3?

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Please by all means expand on the “pair of mistresses” phrase. I am truly intrigued on the translation after all the banter and translation gap.


That’s a nice integrated which I presume is much better than the LFD Zero LEIII which I tried back in the day. At £5,900 it’s not small change. I’m sure it sounds great but I think it doesn’t come with a remote control which is a deal breaker for me.

Anyway I’m done with equipment upgrades. It took many years for me to get to the level where I am right now.

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This is some funny nonsensical BS

@tanxin97 I bet it’s a troll

I have heard the P3ESR’s one time, and fell in love with them. I was at my dealers home, we used my Chord TT2 as a preamp, and his Blu2 as the source. We connected the TT2 with XLR cables directly to a David Belles 150a V2 power amp, the result was very good, and convinced me I will one day own a pair. The Belles amp is 125 W/CH into 8 ohms, and it doubles to 250 W/CH into 4 ohms. The Harbeth’s no doubt work well with lots of power, I have never heard a Nova to give an opinion on it.

This is his second room driving all those speakers.


I can almost believe it.

Serge Gainsbourg, the art of hiding the speakers.

Transcription turntable and Akai tape recorder,

Nice to see his IMF Transcription turntable up front and almost upstaging the man himself…

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When the Nova and P3ESR are good together - they are very good , especially when streaming, trebles and mid-range excellent , listening at this precise moment - the combo is so good

The clarity is excellent - however sometimes the lack of warmth or bass , becomes an issue,

Listening to a Prom the other night, the Royal Albert Hall organ really failed to impress

One to think about . From a user point of view both firmly tick the box of being light to move (I have had health issues ) , yet sometimes the sound isn’t “quite there”.

A First World Problem


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At how level was this tt sounding ? Lp12, better ?

The link doesn’t work…

I’ve never heard one but it was seriously exotic stuff in the 1970s. It had a really cool sliding armboard that allowed you to easily set overhang for a wide range of tonearms.

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