OCD Alert! Old Naim Price Lists

Yes, come to think of it, you may be right. Maybe Richard will be able to enlighten us.

I wonder what became of the electrostatic design, the subject of this interview?

Naim’s R&D projects are very much team efforts, but if we’re talking who was the brains behind a particular project and it’s leader, so to speak, then SBLs were Roy’s.

The proposed FL1 Active Electrostatic was one of Guy’s. It was eventually deemed too difficult to produce economically - ironic really now we’re in the age where a five or even six figure speaker is the norm rather than the exception. I remember the remains of the prototypes and also some of the pre production bucks that were stored in the Mezzanine floor of the factory. IIRC, all of the remaining FL1 parts were scrapped when more space was required.

It would be good to see the dealers connection guide if possible Geoff.

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I have 1998 but can’t upload it as my Mac doesn’t seem able to save as a permitted file type.

/desperate mode ON

Take a photo and upload from your smartphone if that’s what it takes!

/desperate mode OFF
:grin: :grin:

Just a peek on how things are shaping up… Please don’t get blind trying to make sense of it!


Richard … Is there any substance in the rumours regarding a Naim Audio cassette deck? I wonder if it ever got to prototype and what became of those examples

No problem, I have it on my desk, so I’ll probably upload some images on Friday.

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Here we are - PC did the trick.

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Yup. The long awaited Cassette Deck really did exist. I’m hoping it’s finally ready for Munich 2020…


Looking at my 1998 price list, it’s remarkable how well the 52 has held value. It’s now worth around two thirds of the original price while the 180 is more like a third or so.

Many thanks! Sep 1998 is probably when CDS2 appeared and the PSCD was updated to XPS, sold separately.

Hi sihctr

I found 1992 as well for you.


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NAC 102 Information + INTRO 2 / CREDO Information


You can’t use the term OCD in a light hearted way like that, it’s classed as a hate crime

Connections Guide / 4 page cover / 62 pages / 148 x 105 mm

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Ah, the old small-format connections guides - they were really good. When I first started at Naim I had one on my desk that was such a help while I learned all about the different Naim connections, such as active six-pack. Only problem was that it kept getting “borrowed”, so, realising that stocks were almost exhausted, in the end I wrote my initials all over it in marker pen - did the trick, and I still have it.


April 2010

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@felty99 you are a Saint! This empty line in Apr2010 was really bugging me… The picture resolution is not great but I could decipher the prices, also taking into account the past values.

In case you can upload it with higher resolution for archiving it would be excellent.

Not sure if this is any better, source is PDF so i could always send you the original by PM.