Olive xps vs 555ps vs 555ps dr cds2

Where the 555PS helped most for me was in more complex music and orchestral pieces. The separate strands were easier to follow and the whole presentation was opened up.

Yes agree completely. More control, but to my ears less music on my Olive system. This is why I suggest system Synergy.

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It’s sounds like a mains issue as well. Don’t know your mains arrangement, but with all those 135s you could try and order them as power*4, pre and then sources. The MusicWorks Reflex Ultr G3 mains block with sparkly bottom has worked a treat for quite a few of us, but the poweramp stays on the wall. It about reducing mains noise.


Is the Power Supply in your original comment for the CDs2 or the Nac 52? If it was for the Nac 52 wouldn’t an Olive Super Cap of been better.

Hi Phil, as far as mains is concerned I have a very serious main spur to the boxes, over here we are able to piggyback our plugs so I piggyback them amps, SuperCap, xps. Played around with plug position and this is definitely the best one.
It is an ultra revealing system. I really should take the money from the 555 and start heading down the LP twelve Avenue I feel

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Some reckon that a bit of space between plugs helps. Not sure what piggybacking of plugs looks like.


Found this. Lots of space on the racks.


I have a direct mains spur from the stereo wall plug to the mains board. Then a 50 mm sq earth wire to a copper earth stake out by the garden tap. The impedance is almost zero. Think I have the power supply well and truly covered.
Piggy backed pugs, in this country this is absolutely fine and legal. You can see that we have different socket so the powerline plug is removed by the importer and replaced with a local standard wall plug. I guess you can also see how this type of plug configuration Works so well.

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not sure your conclusions are final with such an arrangement.

Ideally each Naim PSU should have it’s own socket.

To each their own though.


Apparently in New Zealand this is what is preferred.

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Yes, it’s fine as the piggy back plugs are a pass through arrangement. I moved to IsoTek power boards though to help with addressing mains noise and tidy things up.

For the cds2

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Would be interesting to try. I will admit.

But is it going through multiple fuses ? On the wall?

Seems not…

I still would not do it for performance reasons

My wife inadvertently plugged my nap 200 through a 3 way plug and with a lamp

I heard the drop in performance right away when I came home and listened to my usual playlist and was puzzled for a few hours until I spotted it.

There is something incredible at the higher olive area and SBLs that just sings and swings, I’ve no plans to go any wear at the moment. All serviced and up to date.


No it’s not, we don’t have fuses in our plugs. Has one fuse on the mains end only. It’s about as clean or raw as you can get. Remember it not the UK so try not to think like it is.

fair enough…

Here is a pic of the tapon. See rather different than the UK. No ring mains here either. You could almost say its hard wired.

Is the connecting material brass ?

Yes, those who keep on recommending dedicated mains forget that only the UK uses ring mains. A NZ power socket will have a fully juiced radial circuit that is less prone to electromagnetic interference in the first place.

In my experience the real benefit of dedicated mains comes when you run it from a separate consumer unit, and keep the wiring, including earth, away from the main CU to maximise isolation. Naim also recommend using an over-specced 10mm, or at least 6mm cable and a 32 or 50 amp breaker. So there may still be some benefit over a standard spec radial circuit.

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