Opinion please Nait v Nait

Aye, I couldn’t really describe the difference in sound stage, just that I preferred the Naim. I should have another listen sometime :slight_smile: At this point though, despite it being a close run thing across detail, sound stage and usability, I think I’m good for now… until NDX2 prices dip consistently under the £3k mark :innocent:

(I should add, the one thing that was dramatic about the full blown 300 series setup I heard was utterly amazing and pin sharp imaging!)


I don’t analyse music to the same degree and I’m beginning to wonder if everything I’m after is too much for my ears. I’m not an audiophile by any stretch of the imagination and instrument placement and soundstage are second to detail, dynamics and enjoyment. I’m 55 now and my ears, as with anyone my age and older, are not what they used to be. This was confirmed by a recent audiology test where there was a dip in one area of the spectrum in my right ear. I suspect there are many on here with worse hearing and this and, at times, makes me question the whole business. I definitely hear differently day by day but still well enough to hear music that I enjoy. There’s a lot to ponder in all of this. Thanks

A wonderful post and also very good advice from @jaybar and @Simon-in-Suffolk and others.

What gets me here, regarding the floor of the pool, is a notion of confusion and perhaps stress even, and wanting to ask experts here from @Akh666 that I started to pick up along the thread.

As with any hobby, take wine for example, it’s about you becoming your own expert. You start off with your first samples, based on what blogs/apps say, you start noticing the differences, and educate yourself to acquire your own taste. Developing “your own ears” which is also very rewarding (because they are yours). After that there’s no right or wrong anymore, just getting to what you like best together with those on a similar journey and be part of a community.

As with other recent threads about first steps it is so difficult to start without a reference point. I’d almost say start with something, an Atom with NACA5 some speakers and perhaps a Rega P3/Fono later, choose anything mentioned above really, and take it from there.

Finally, the Nait 50 as a starting point (likely because of the looks and simplicity) also strikes me as very interesting and new on the forum.
I have the impression those who have bought it had or have impressive multi-box systems. They pair the Nait 50 with a NDX2, the Rega P10, sultry headphones, some Neat Petite Classic speakers or similar, in what for those members is an attractive simple no frills system (compared to the big stacks).
And a wonderful system it is indeed, but also in price a system for the connaisseur so to say.

Agh yes, but there is more to hearing than audio frequency bandwidth … the AES has some interesting research articles on this. As your upper frequency response reduces as you age, your perception of spatial and timbral information on the whole doesn’t, so I wouldn’t discount aging… there is a lot going on in our brains… and our brains and ears are not limited by Harry Nyquist’s digital sampling principles. You may find your state of mind has more effect on how you listen and what you notice than the drop off in your hearing response… and sometimes you just fall out of love of recorded music… It happened to me during Covid… but I have returned back to it…

But yes - in my opinion - there is much twaddle written about hifi… and if you are an engineer like me who also loves music as well as creating their own it can be a real turn off.

But yes perhaps we all appreciate music in different ways… and at different times… sometimes it’s the overall feel and vibe… other times it’s listening to patterns and motifs in music or from the playing of an instrument, or a sample loop, listening into chords and melodies playing along with them… as well as perhaps more niche/nerdy listening to how techniques used in recording, instruments used, production techniques etc… I love the later… but listening to Aphex Twin can take that to extremes with his spectrograms. :grinning:


As mentioned above, grab it now.

A used Node, perhaps with a separate DAC such as an nDAC, can be a stepping stone to a better ex-dem or pre-loved streamer when one pops up and you have the funds.


In my opinion, to avoid spending crazy amounts of money apart from the streamer, I have never liked an excellent combination: Naim xs2 70 w per channel with naim 5xs cd and xs flat cap which simultaneously powers the amplifier and the cd being double track.

As other say, listen first.
Sonus Faber is no longer what it was.

The original company did some great classics.
Now they just make anonymous boring loudspeakers with no soul or involvement - at high price.
Just my own opinion, yours might differ and I’m sure others as well.

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I’m not looking to be a connoisseur of anything, I just want a system I can fit, forget and enjoy. I also want the best I can afford and also one that can be added to at a later date if required. I’ve been through the HiFi upgrade game before going through NAD, Quad, KEF before landing on Meridian, Unison Research and Dynaudio. I understand and know what I like but know nothing about the entry level gains of Naim systems. My initial question was about best combination for the best sound at my budgets price point. I’m not looking to be an Audiophile but I do appreciate good quality.

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I’ve read great reviews on them from some very respected reviewers and that’s why I’m interested in them. Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks Simon I appreciate your considered and comprehensive replies

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To me source first makes no sense logically. If your amp and speakers aren’t up to it it’s makes no difference what you put in. Hence why my emphasis is on the amp at this point.


I think you are half right!! :grinning: Amp and speakers have to sing together. Try and get a demo of a Nait2 with different speakers if you can, before deciding.

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It has been clear ever since the various iterations of this forum that there are two opposing points of view in this matter among its members, which is totally ok of course!


Well, head down to your local high street dealer and get an NAD integrated hooked up to a set of B&W bookshelves; listen to a Sonos Port and a BS Node and then report back… :wink:

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Your avatar is disquieting…

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Or, rather, repellent.


What does my avatar have to do with anything?

Does it need an explanation?