Opinion please Nait v Nait

Same question. What does my avatar have to do with anything?

Does it need explaining?

I think it does yes. Youā€™ve chosen to point the finger at my avatar for some reason and Iā€™m at a loss as to why.

For some reasonā€¦?

You are posting in a community, it is simply feedback that your avatar, with what looks like satanic and death notions, is at odds with the general atmosphere of the forum, and can be offending or in my case uncomfortable to other members, and consequently might be considered outside forum rules by @Richard.Dane.

At the risk of making the ā€˜source firstā€™ crew stand to the left and the ā€˜amplification firstā€™ gang stand to the right, Iā€™ll say that I generally agree with the point of source having a bigger difference in SQ than amplification - especially in this price range. I assume that differs greatly if youā€™re going up to the Statement level - but my ears and wallet arenā€™t equipped for that.

Buuuuuuut - Iā€™ll complicate my post a bit further and put forward my belief that the biggest factor in listening enjoyment / SQ / whatever is the speaker. Only makes sense as itā€™s the thing you actually listen to.

The key here (which makes it so interesting to me) is balance. Sure the SF L2 is not the end-all-be-all speaker for 1k, but has an enjoyable listening profile and isnā€™t underwhelmed with any of the amplification / source options kicking around here. Itā€™s back to @daddycool 's point about developing your own ears and seeing what you like along the way. Over time you start mixing / matching and figuring out what you like. Those SFs become Neats maybe, or over time ATCs, PMCs, ProACsā€¦All good with an XS3 or 50 unless youā€™re at the top of the range.

I hope all this advice here is helpful to get you to basecamp; climbing the summit is ultimately up to you.


Itā€™s a military badge from an American flying jacket. Itā€™s not meant to cause offence in any way whatsoever.

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Thank you I do appreciate your replies very much. I am due a demo later on next week and will try the combinations I have asked about then with SFā€™s and other speakers.

Yes I thought as much, I made sure to look closely before mentioning it, likely the combination with the 666 makes it worse, but now weā€™re very much off topic.

Itā€™s American and itā€™s from a flying jacket used in WW2.

The Nait50 has a better phono and headphone amp when compared to the XS line but has less power and fewer inputs.

I bought the Nait50 based the above considerations (plus the form factor/looks of the Nait50 (-: )

For the DAC/Streamer I budgeted less than half of the Nait50 price.
Source first (in terms of money spent) applies to analog sources only imo.

My dollar ratio (based on list price) for my digital only setup (Iā€™m currently looking for speakers)

45% speakers
35% Amp (includes Phono & Headphone amp)
15% DAC/Streamer
5% Cables & Interconnects.


Iā€™m not religious either and my user name has nothing to do with satanism or my belief in it. Your friend took us off topic not me.

Iā€™ve changed my avatar for you and hope this makes you happy.


Back on topic, there was another point I forgot to ask and that was about the number of boxes / upgrade possibility. The Nait 50 is a ā€˜closed systemā€™ per se, while an XS3 or other gives you some Lego-like flexibility. Thatā€™s important for some, others - not so much. I suppose thatā€™s important when you get into areas like shelving, placement, aesthetics of the room, wife-acceptance-factor, and the like.

I was just thinking about that as I seem to think the majority of Nait 50 owners are using it in a second-system. Iā€™m assuming youā€™re building your first-and-only?

I did a drive by. Lenbrook still there. (-;


Main system for me. The Nait50 was cure for a disease (upgraditus) that ailed me.


what did it replace?

I am indeed. I have a vision of it sitting alongside whatever source I go with on a tasteful unit with standmounts either side. Iā€™ve never been a lover of multi box setups as they donā€™t fit my minimalist aesthetic. I travelled down the Uniti road for a while and tested several speakers but I wanted a more versatile and better sounding system. I have the Nait 50 firmly in my sights as it fits in with the brief. Thanks again

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Indeed, though I find for most of us the most sensitive part is speakers and room matching. Get that wrong and everything can be very compromised, unless you listen with headphonesā€¦.

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Which I intend to do also hence the interest in the 50