Linn Selekt Journey

Very appealing @DiggyGun … it makes me wonder if a Rega P8 would fit in such a Linn ecosystem. This could be a massive step forward from my Uniti Nova.

Any thoughts?

Congratulations and well done - a man after my own heart!
As they often say - a picture is worth a thousand words - and your photo going from 9 boxes down to 1 tells it all. The KDS is a great box and I have had mine since 2011 and it has been through /2, /3. and finally the Organik upgrade. Not wanting to part with it and it now resides in my headphone system (a dCS Rossini APEX is in the big system).

Like you I recently moved on from all of my Black boxes (552/500) and am now down to a simple DarTZeel NHB-18NS preamp and DarTZeel NHB-108 amplifier. Two boxes, a whole lot less cables, and soon to disappear fiddly glass and rolling balls racking system.

Simplicity is my new motto.



The Selekt has both a MC and MM Phono input, so you could add a turntable quite easily to the Linn ecosystem.

Does the Uniti Nova not have phono inputs?


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I will go this route (Selekt Edition Hub with Organik and integrated amp) with my Rega P8. I will consider later whether I will sell the goldnote PH10 with PSU and use the MC input of the selekt. The last tendency when listening was to use the internal MC. So I would say: yes it works with a Rega P8

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Doesn’t have a phono input

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Thank you for your detailed answer, much appreciated! First of all, I need to say that I’m very happy with how the Nova is sounding with the P8. But every now and then I start thinking of making an upgrade; no matter how beautiful and good they undoubtedly are, I don’t want to switch to the NC (222/250).

The Linn approach with the seperate modules is very appealing to me … but with Linn electronics, the LP12 is always on the back of my mind - hence the question :slight_smile:


Witch Phono preamp do you have?

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I’m currently using the Rega Fono MC

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I use my Selekt DSM with a Rega deck, all fine and dandy. (MM/MC both supported)
I’ve had mine setup in numerous ways from 5.1 with power amp modules to using it as a preamp with my 200 Series NAP 250, I’ve yet to find a setup it won’t fit in to.
When I got mine originally I did consider it alongside a Nova amongst other options and glad now I picked it.
I do have an Atom as well regardless which is currently driving in wall speakers for 2 channel music and TV via ARC.
In my case I still have an Organik upgrade ahead of me and potentially going dual mono organik and using it as a fixed output source.

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It’s interesting to note that this network streamer is all in one, streamer + dac + mc/mm phono preamp + preamp, and + utopik psu.

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Yes, it is well stocked with features.


One thing I didn’t do was to take a photo in the dark of all the Green Naim lights as it was powered on 24/7.

It is strange not seeing a bank of Green lights looking back at you when you walk into the Living Room before switching on any room lights.

On the positive side, the electric bill will go down a bit.

Out of interest does anybody know what the power consumption, per hour of Naim kit is.


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Which cartridge are you using with the Linn Selekt? I have an Ania MC…

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Goldring 2500 (MM)


I have two questions re your lovely one box system. It looks brilliant.

  1. If you are running active speakers why do you need the 2 power amp modules?

  2. I thought if you had dual Organik mono DACs that there was then no room for the two amplifier modules. I guess this self evidently is not the case.

I will probably be heading in this direction this year.

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Thanks for your kind comments.

The speakers aren’t active themselves but can be run active by removing the crossover links and using an external crossover.

Hence the need for two Stereo Power Amp cartridges.

There are slots for three cartridges, but I’m only using two of them.


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There is an insert in the side of the amp modules for the DAC cartridges to I clip into. Have a look at YouTube.


You’re in for a treat. I currently run an Organik-upgraded KDSM into active ATCs. It suits my musical tastes to a tee and connects me with the musicians much more than any system I’ve ever had. At a recent show I heard a dual-Organik Selekt into the same speakers and felt it probably outperformed my setup, possibly because of the new Utopik power supply. And I do like the design, so I’m considering moving that way in the near future.



I concur.

My Selekt DSM; Edition has two Organik modules in the amps and sounds much better than the Klimax DS/3 Organik.

Very pleased I made the change.


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