Paris 2024

Canadians are waiting for the Ski-cross and Snowboarding to start…. Oh wait, wrong Olympics

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A few takeways so far:

  1. Opening ceremenoy was great. If people though it weird, I get that. If people were “offended” by it, that’s their problem.

  2. Surfing is a great sport, but competitive surfing seems a pointless exercise.

  3. The women’s “street” skateboarding isn’t ready for primetime. It’s boring, full of fail, and frankly, embarrassing. I know skateboarding is incredibly difficult, and that the competitiors have worked very hard. I appreciate the effort and skill, but it’s truly terrible to watch.

Actually, the Olympic Committee agreed that the performance was a mock of the Last Supper and has issued an apology. Well, it’s France and an anti Judeo Christian culture, so I’m not surprised, but it makes of mockery of so called inclusion. What would be real fun is for them to mock Mohammad, that would end well…… though it didn’t with those cartoon folk.


Yes but where do you draw the line, the women’s swimming gymnastics etc uniforms (or lack of) offend other religions minorities.

I think the difference lies in what are accepted social norms in the hosting country, versus openly mocking something that will be received as offensive.

The Hihab is interesting in France. Banned, including the Olympics. Wouldn’t happen here.

Anyway, I only mentioned it as there was an inaccurate statement that the scene wasn’t a mockery of last supper. It doesn’t bother me, it’s just an amusing sign of the times we live in.

Or here, but I think we should get back to the sport I don’t want this to break into a religious/politics discussion. Plus I may be in hospital for a week and my rooms now been locked off, no one’s allowed in without full PPE. This place might be one of my only form of communication.


Crikey, I hope you have a phone charger!


Sorry to hear they are keeping you in Pete. My fingers and toes are crossed for you. Have you considered that they might be locking your door because they think you could be a bad influence on other patients? :joy:

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I only caught ‘snapshots’ through the opening ceremony which, judging from some of the comments on here, was possibly the best way to watch it. I couldn’t make sense of most of it. I suspect the choreographer was completely in Seine.
Following her well documented health problems it was a pleasure to see/hear Celine at (near) ‘full chat’ again.

We’ve only just had the Euro’s; how much more diving do you need??

I wondered why it was that I only get interested in the Olympics once the track and field events start. Maybe there’s a correlation there… :rofl: :rofl:

But seriously, good luck with your hospital visit Pete. It certainly puts all the recent sport and political cr*p into perspective. My thoughts and prayers are with you matey.


Now if the French want to make a statement, or whatever it was, it’s up to them, a bit tragicomic that people were so upset about a performance…:roll_eyes:

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Well it certainly kept us amused. :grin:


First Tarling and now Pidcock falling foul of the Olympic puncture devils. Sport can be so cruel.

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He is getting back. If he wins this…

This is the event of the games so far.


Oh yes !!!

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French crowd booing. Not very classy.


Astonishing final lap.


Never watched mountain biking before - astonishing to come back from that puncture. Shame about the crowd :roll_eyes:


So Brits are never booing ? Ah I forgot, they prefer to fight at the exit.
Just teasing of course.


Women’s rugby sevens … … … how good was that?

Proper rugby skills on display, with some great running. :+1: :+1: