Paris 2024

Well you apparently didn’t have too much to fear that is until you caught with our friends across the ditch.

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Simone Biles is quite the girl isn’t she…

What’s going on GB beats the US and Aus in the 4x200 men’s relay, I’d be drug testing the lot of them. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Your drugs slowing them down?


There certainly not slowing me down, good win though. First time the exact same team have defended their title. See the drugs are having an effect I’m even congratulating GB.


Maybe you’re just watching a repeat of Tokyo…Oh you’re right, they smashed it!

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That could be true too.

Surprised to hear we’ve only ever won 8 men’s golds in the pool…

See if you’re surrounded by shark infested waters you learn to swim quickly. Maybe you guys should use great whites as your training partners. :grin:


We just have to dodge the floaters infesting our river waters, they don’t move very fast.


Didn’t see that win coming against the Aussies, especially when they went so far behind. They put up a decent fight in the final as well. Kudos to them

Poor day for your team, they really deserved better but some poor handling cost them the bronze. They should have been out of sight well before the end.

I just love watching 7s rugby, it’s so much more fun than some of the 15s I have watched this past year or so.


Yeah I missed it but woke up to the news. Guess that’s what makes sport so interesting. They’ll bounce back, don’t think anyone was going to beat NZ anyway.


Ladies triathlon – going well for the Brits so far - the bike phase was very tricky for many though, and it wasn’t all on the greasy cobbles. I think a couple of the riders who fell, may have developed oval/unaligned wheels, as some repeated the experience.

If Potter goes any better we can look forward to the boos…

Looked pretty scary on the ride early on, hope everyone is OK.

Looking at the kayaks holding station on the river you could see the current was pretty strong. Quite a challenge I imagine.


I fear I delivered a ‘commentator’s curse’ on the Brits :frowning_face:

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Great race though.


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Yee Pidcockesque. Magnificent. :1st_place_medal:


And now an amazing coxless 4 bring home another amazing :1st_place_medal: Elite sport is something special.

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Neither were ever in doubt :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


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BMX Freestyle - 1st round, our chap Reilly woz robbed :frowning_face: