Paris 2024

OK, I am shocked at the discourse here. After many years, this is no longer a forum I want to part of. This forum was once a place of tolerance and friendship. You can get in the sea. Bye.

(Richard D. I can’t see how to permanently delete my account. Please do so on my behalf.)

I’ve got tied of asking people to respect the OP wishes and move on, I wouldn’t do it to them and I’m a bit annoyed some think they can just ignore the request.

Please reconsider your decision.

Athletics starts today, bit more interesting than a week of swimming imo…There’s only so much entertainment to be had from watching 8 people going up and down in lanes a half a dozen times every evening. I can get that from the pensioners sessions at the city lido tbf…

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There is if you’re winning :grin:

I love the swimming

I think it will be another 5 hour session of golf today for me (perhaps a bit sailing in between). It seems that our best chances might lie there.

Hopefully it also means we can say goodbye to the tiresome three commentators that we have had on BBC1 coverage of the Olympics every evening so far. If there was an Olympic medal for inane chat we might well have got gold

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You’ve brought a massif athletics team though haven’t you? Enough to fill a few nightbuses when they escape the non aircon’d Olympic Village sweltering in 28 degree nighttime room temps…:australia::beer::fries:

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Golf, now that’s boring but least you can do other things while it’s on.

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Actually were brought our biggest ever athletics team - 74, and we have a few chances of some minor medals.

Edit 28 isn’t hot.

Hmmm….Yes it’s a bit Groundhog day isn’t it. Claire’s passion and knowledge is huge though it’s a little hockey sticks, as she tries to involve Becca first usually, who will then recount a past meeting with one of the swimmers followed by some tears, before Mark chips in with a recall of his own and chucks in a quip to finish which goes right over the heads of the other two!

They are harmless though, I feel this is largely down to what the BBC and other TV media think we need to have in most sport programmes.

The exception is usually cricket, on most channels I’ve seen, even the Aussie Big Bash (!) which seems to get the balance right.


I don’t disagree - there’s a focus on journeys, stories, families and emotions which I realise is where the BBC commentating team think it’s at these days. I would rather they just shut up and show more athletes in action


Seems to be it is if that’s your non-aircon’d room temp come midnight. And you’re trying to get some sleep before your 6:00 a.m. wake up call for a taxi to your sporting destiny…

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Sport is always better with the volume off and music on.


Yes I know she’s not British but you have to admire Jess Fox (canoeing).

I still haven’t gotten around to seeing the final half hour…

It unwinds rather logically which was a bit of a surprise.

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Of course they only get reduced feeds now (one live, one iPlayer) as the IOC sold the rights to Discovery. This is why we have rather more filler. The same in Tokyo last time. I loved being able to skip around mutiple events in the past, but that is…past. We are probably lucky any of it is on free-to-air at all.



True - in that case the commentating team need a medal for padding ability. And a slot on ‘Just A Minute’

Sorry FR - you know us Brits love a stereotype :wink:


Perhaps it’s time to promote the classic Duel to an Olympic sport.