Paris 2024

Wow, nicely done.
Though Aussie bashing is a lot of fun.


Yeah it is but unfortunately some folks only go one way. All in good fun as long as it doesn’t get personal. Funny though we don’t do (or at least I don’t) Canadian bashing everyone down here loves you guys.

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Oh sht … I bash Canadians all the time.
I always say, what do you mean I love Canada … there’s too many d
mn Canadians!
When you live around Canadians all the time, they do get very tiring. They have an annoying way of doing things that grates on me. And they’re all in such a GD hurry all the time, as if they think their time is more important than everyone else’s around them.
But that’s my quick rant, I’m done. :grinning:


Too many Canadians when we toured BC I think I met more Aussies. :grin:


That’s very cool …

Yes but I could saved a heap of money and stayed home. We did met some Mounted Police (off duty) on an overnight train trip, they got me incredibly drunk.

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Now that I can believe.
I did a lot of hitchhiking through Canada when I was 17, and I ended up in the Yukon for about a month at one point. While I was there, there was news that four or five mounties had gone out drinking and rolled a cruiser. They’ve always been a bit wild.
And one time a buddy and I road my motorbike into the field by the airport watch some planes and smoke a few joints. Some airport mounties came by and one of them asked if he could take my bike for a spin around the field, there was a bit of a road. He almost dropped it, but he had a good time.


And didn’t arrest you, a win all round.


Yeah that did surprise us a bit. But I guess he just wanted to leverage a ride on the bike out of me. That was my Honda 350 twin. It was a fun bike. The next year I traded it up to that classic Honda 750/4 cylinder, which was also a good bike. Man, I rode that 750 through rain, cold weather, and snow. It was my main transportation so I just rode it everywhere all the time.


Yeah but we have got more silver and bronzes than you. Must be because we brits are so incredibly polite. We get near the finish line, step aside and say “after you” :joy:


I’m sure that’s the case. :rofl::rofl:

You were a bit unlucky in the teams pursuit.

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I thought you were taking a few days off? Love and best wishes by the way…


I was but I woke up this morning feeling much better and so far (touch wood) I haven’t had the temperature spike that’s caused some concerns.


Have you forgotten to tell this to Cavendish early in his career?

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GB medal target is 50-70, without mentioning colour, which they’re on track for I guess.

The GB team does seem to have just missed out on a number of Golds but nonetheless put themselves about a bit. Which kind of reflects British sport as a whole I suppose.


Yes. Very fine margins on a few golds (in fairness, won and lost!).

Perhaps a bit underwhelming in the boxing?

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GB has the declared intention of spreading its medals around which is a good strategy but may reduce the (gold) medal haul. Meanwhile the never ending activity in the pool continues. I think they’ll still be swimming and diving when everyone else has gone home.

We’ve had a bad morning - disqualified in the sailing & our double gold medalist in Taekwondo beaten in round 1.

The men’s speed climbing was fantastic.

This is good racing, canoeing/kayaking.

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Yes amazing isn’t it, what 15m in under 5 seconds?! See the Iranian fellah wasn’t so keen on the post climb claps and smiles from the USA wr getter…

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I have never before got so excited about kite surfing. Well done Ellie Aldridge!!!