Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

My own little hide out while the Christmas chaos is going on all around me


A relaxed listening position.


There is review by Rafa Todes in Stereonet where he compares the 802d4 with the 802d3. He believes
the d4 improves in almost area over the d3. Having owned nearly all the 802 variants Todes is pretty knowledgeable. As a member of the Allegri Quartet he uses his musical knowledge to illustrate the differences.

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Hi Schubert

The speakers are 802 Nautilus, I bought them in 2004

The room is about 10m x 7m, and they sound great in it!

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How are you finding the PMC’s, be interested to hear the thoughts .

hi @silverback happy to give you my thoughts so far - but it is work in progress.
firstly a couple of complications - i have only had my 222/350s for around 10 days so they are still burning in - and sound quality has varied over that period. also although the 24s are very well run-in the 26s are new and my dealer had very limited time to run-in.
overall both speakers work very well with my room (4x10m) without obvious signs of room modes or problems with reflections. i have listened to each speaker for long 10-hour sessions with no sign of fatigue.
due to issues with my back i am not able to move the speakers around. the 26’s are set up in what my dealer and i judge to be optimum position the 24’s less so.
overall i find the 26’s have a feeling of open airiness while by comparison the 24s sound perhaps a little closed?
i had chosen PMC after comparing with kudos at my dealers (though any dealer is likely to have a limited number of ranges) i liked PMCs clean natural sound with bass well-controlled.
the most significant difference between the 24 and 26 is clarity - on rock/pop/folk i can follow the lyrics more clearly on the 26s with clearer intonation giving a better feel for the emotional flavour of the song, on classical tracks (most of my listening) orchestral music gave the clearest differential the 24s gave the orchestra playing the 26 gave the instruments playing - much easier to identify what instruments were playing and the style of playing was much clearer eg the attack on hip performances was much clearer.
the question for me is whether the 26s are worth the significant extra cost on what many consider is already a mullet system - hopefully the next few days will help me decide


Looking really great! Are you able to post a comparison REW plot of before and after?

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Thanks indexical for taking the time to reply, I understand it’s a little tricky especially as all the electronics are new and still settling in as are the 26’s.
Your experience pretty much mirrors how I find my 26’s even though they are from the earlier twenty range, very open, wide sound stage which enables you to pick out details very easily, guessing this is the added advantage of a dedicated midrange unit.
The 24’s don’t seem so popular as say the 23’s but that could be due to cost or that they may need a bigger room to perform at their best.
I would love to upgrade to the latest 26i’s but sadly out of my price range but we can always dream.
Best of luck whichever pair you decide to go for, sure your system will sound great.

Unfortunately I can’t :frowning: as I can’t seem to find my mic anymore.

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Totally agree with your findings, and yes they are worth it………if you are buying new, you should not be paying anywhere near full RRP on a new pair of 26’s.

“due to issues with my back i am not able to move the speakers around. the 26’s are set up in what my dealer and i judge to be optimum position the 24’s less so.”

What you need is…….


Herbies feet :+1: I have Herbies and they’re great.


Picked up some TAD tweeters this afternoon from a nice guy. He sells Westminster Labs, EMT and other nice stuff here.
Tad4003 driver in a large horn, 2x15" mid bass and 3x24" an separate 80x80x140cm bass cabinets per side. It really played music. Oh yesss.


Herbie Fat Dots here.



Listening with headphones from the front of my house, looking over the sea towards PR and Florida (well below the horizon of course).

From the listening position


Wave, and maybe I’ll see you. :sunglasses:


A very mild and stormy day has the patio doors surprisingly open with the wind blowing in and the soaring vocals of Salif Keita.

It may have been @QuickSticks from memory who pointed me in his direction.

If so, thank you, really enjoyable.


many thanks for suggestion - i’ll look into them

Settled in with a nice whiskey.