Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

This system is always fun, all about the music. Fantastic synergy. Recovering from a hernia op so spending more time listening to the second system on the sofa.


Yet another stylish cabinet that makes me really regret the IKEA one I shoved my office system on.

It seemed like good idea at the time, but cabinets like that are really making me feel inferior.


Ahhh , sorry Max, I missed that one, I obviously need to work out the grey matter a bit more

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Beautiful sideboard, very elegant. Nice picture!


You can always pimp your Ikea set. A lot of fun to search around and You stretch the budget as You wish

A lot of hacks on internet


yes, but that is not fair. a fair trade, in this idea, is that you recreate your “listening position” with your hands. not with dealer, concert production, or third kind.

Roger that
That can be so much fun, if you wish to go that way.

“Could start an argument in an empty room” … :slight_smile:

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Mid half term week, so a bit of a pile up on the coffee table.
London Calling on the Vertere DG-1.,


That’s such a nice looking setup and it’s always good to see. I do wonder how much the wobbly Reference rack is compromising the Vertere. I had a black Reference at one time and had my Linn on a wall shelf instead. Maybe you’ve already tried it on something else, but if not it would be worth a go. My favourite ever TT table was the little Audiotech, from Italy. Or maybe a Mana.


Thanks. Well I had the Vertere on a Q4 bamboo initially and it would jump when I walked over to it (floating laminated wood floor over screed). The wobbly reference doesn’t do that but you mustn’t touch the volume knob on the 222! Lol
Both Vertere units are on isopaws which add a lot if clarity.
I may look at other racks in the autumn. Had a Fraim twin stack once. A bit fiddly….

Maybe a Quadraspire wall shelf, directly above the Reference, would be a neat solution, and not expensive either. Anyway, it looks lovely.


New racks and sub. Early days but improved sound even before playing around with positioning


Winner of the most convenient alcove. It looks like it was designed specifically with a hi-fi system in mind.

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It was… Not having a TV helps though. The whole downstairs 4 rooms and a corridor were knocked into one space with the kitchen knocked through in two places behind to make a single space on the ground floor 10m x 10m. Wood floor over screed with underfloor heating and insulated plasterboard on the inside of the walls. A great space acoustically as well. :slight_smile:


Here’s one from the weekend


If only they came in beige …

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Nice balcony!

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