Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

Nice speakers and nice stair railing, looks very well built.



It’s always good to see those fabulous Gales. It’s a wonderful setup.


Hi Veltliner,

many thanks, this helps a lot. I don’t think the materials used inside were that special. Several years ago I turned my corner and echo tunes into their respective mini versions. There is fiberglass bonded to a multilayered foil inside the tunes. If you are curious, google “esska alufolie gewebeverstärkt”.
My current loudspeakers have an unusual radiation pattern and load the room different than any other pair I have used in this room. If I can get the two tuning strips rebuilt, they might be all that’s needed here.

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For those who saw my earlier posts regarding demonstrations of the Gryphon Diablo 333, Thrax Ares and Vitus RI-101 Mk2, you may like to know that I settled on the Vitus with inbuilt streamer. I also changed the cable loom from Nordost to Hemingway Zcore alpha. The Hemingways just open the soundstage and reveal dynamic and microdynamic details in ways the Nordost never did.

Unfortunately it means that after almost 30 years of having Naim components in my system, I have said farewell to the NDX2/XPSDR streamer in favour of the built in Vitus streamer. I now feel a bit like an interloper in the Naim forum and this may be my last post as a former Naim acolyte.


I guess that means you prefer the Vitus streamer to the Naim, or maybe it’s more about simplicity. I think it’s good to have a variety of systems on here; it can get a tad dull seeing endless stacks of Naim boxes and Fraim. What is the big box on the right, some sort of power thing?


Unfortunately yes, I much preferred the Vitus streamer than the NDX2. But that may be as much to do with synergy as anything. I should also add that my main source is vinyl so simplicity of the streaming solution is a real added bonus!

The big box on the right is my PS Audio P15 power plant.

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Thanks for explaining. It all looks great and I’m sure you’ll love it.

From which Nordost series?

In which ways did you find 333 and Vitus different and why did you prefer Vitus over 333?

I don’t currently have any Naim kit, but comment regularly.

As @HungryHalibut said, it’s nice to have a bit of variation.



I had the Nordost Tyr 2 cable loom (mains - interconnects - speaker cables).

The 333 possesses tremendous power and slam and sounds amazingly vivid and vibrant with the right music.

The Vitus also has slam, PRaT and power in reserve but is a little more even handed in its approach, than the 333, across a wider spectrum of music. I would sum it up by categorising the Vitus as more grown up Naim and to my ears preferable to the 333. It has a stunning sound stage and presents music so organically.

A comment from my son when he said “Dad that Vitus sounds more like real music than any other amplifier you have had” said it all for me!


Tonight’s listening position! :sunglasses:


Streaming Qobuz from my iPhone.

Sounds alright for casual listening.

Can’t compete with the above though!


Some more photos from last night at the Royal Albert Hall and David Gilmour… Just brilliant
… Sound was superb, playing at the expected virtuoso level, and particularly liked the appeal just before the start to put away the phones… Set list was a good mix of the old and new… perhaps one or two more classics would have been perfection, but I’m picking holes there.


Great pic ! Can’t wait to see him on Friday….

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So what did you take the pictures with?


Quite right to ask… What they requested was not to watch through your phone or take long videos… it was totally okay to take the odd photo…


This same message has been relayed by a number of artists at gigs I’ve been to, basically the message was you’ve paid good money for your ticket to hear a concert so put your phones away and enjoy the music.


Not often jealous but I am now. Gilmour has to be THE talent from PF that is still performing. The reviews make it sound as though he has matured and is still at the top of his game. I hope he is having this residency recorded for later release.