Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

Noooo, the Atom is designed to be a stand on top unit not hidden away, all that effort to design a unit looking great from the top and front will be wasted if you hide it away.

Find the budgie a perch elsewhere.



Budgie?!!! What an outrage. Anyway, challenge solved. Table stays. Atom stays on top. House Bird goes back to where it normally lives. Light goes. Standard lamp ordered. Thanks everyone!


Unbelievable Jeff……:joy:


Fair enough. As I said, I’ve never been inside the O2, so have only the fuzziest idea of its size. Also, were it not for this forum, I would never have heard of Dream Theater!

What a great idea, Chris. I wonder what will arrive in the post in around three weeks time.

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Ooh! A surprise!

Not much of a surprise! Let’s hope it looks good, or you’ll be in the doghouse.


True - but I haven’t been disappointed with anything from Original BTC yet

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No, I have no further questions.

Out of interest, which lamp have you ordered?

Better to wait and see it lighting up the corner?
I’m gonna trust HH to have selected something stylish.

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I liked the original boxy one, it was functional and stylish without pretending to be something its not.

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Yep I was referring to the fibreglass one. Modernica, I know it. Very nice! :ok_hand:t3:

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Love these Sara’s with the flat front edges, look so much cleaner and classic than the newer profiled ones. Lush set up!

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Ow there’s a 70s term :smiley:

I will be seeing them on Monday in Munich. How was the gig? Did you have a good time?

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Gig was excellent and it’s hard not to enjoy seeing the first Dream Theater concert in 14 years with Portnoy back behind the drums.
The O2 gig on Sunday can lay claim to that particular honour😁

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