Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

Is it the SCPH 1001 version?

Now you just need to hand it over to your local Prof Pat Pending and this what you might get back:


It’s labelled SCPH 1002, is that a good one or should I cancel and go find a 1001?

Where do you get that done😳

I don’t profess to be an expert but the 1001 is considered to be the audiophile one plus it has rca connections however I’ve just found this…

The one I’ve ordered (1002) has the RCA connections.
Do I need a controller?:thinking:
PS; It is advertised as an AudioPhile version🤷🏻‍♂️

I think it is the DAC in the 1001 that makes it the “HI Fi” version.

I have a remote control for mine (not the gaming controller)

Can you send post the details (model/pics) of the remote please. I’ll see if I can find one😊
Probably ought to start a separate thread to continue this line of discussion :thinking:

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Yes I’ll get you details later today when I get home

A new thread is a good idea

Here’s the new thread :blush:

Off topic, but reminds me of the cheap jvc boombox people use to buy for the transport (a Sanyo one?) and then they’d mod the hell out of it.

Here’s mine


Part exed the Atom for a Nova. It’s quite good😉


Boot off, bandages off, stitches out but still off work listening to music :+1:


Magnepans. Which ones?
Nice big room.
An old colleague of mine had some in a room with some quite well done home made valve amps and a meridian CD player. Quite enjoyable compared to my bleached harmonics presentation :rofl:

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Podium Sound speakers ???

Yes indeed Maggy 1.7 i’s.I love them their transient speed and instrument timbre is superb.Shut your eyes and the sound just hangs in the air and they do all the other hifi tick boxes like separation and soundstage .What I really love they never get fatiguing as they just sound so natural.
Room is 25 foot wide by 30 foot long and a concrete floor so lucky to have space for them to breath.
Wishing you a good weekend


What amps and source do you use with them?
Likewise enjoy the weekend

The ND555 is off to Salisbury for the DIN relay fix.

Imported the Muso 2 from the conservatory as a stop gap.

Sounds wonderful.