Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

Bearded Theory ?

Electronica this morning. On the second coffee.


A B&B with a Naim NC system available to the guests, WOW :open_mouth:


Yes - I know - marvellous - in fact they are Hi-Fi mad here - different set ups in all their rooms - only trouble is they let all sorts of people in - even little ones - drinks prices a bit steep too!


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It’s a B&B right?
Take your own in😉

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Sorry - I may be being a little too subtle - its the De Vere Cranage (North West Audio Show) or had you figured it and were just going along with it

:thinking: :confused: :grinning:


Looks like Carnage. :scream:

Nope, you got me “Hook, Line & Sinker”… :man_shrugging:t4: :rofl:


Sorry mate - thought you would realise

Yes I went over yesterday to have a look at the New Classic stuff - put a couple of pics on the North West Hi Fi Show 2023 thread as well as here.

The new stuff was being used with KEF speakers and sounded superb - even in a show environment!

Ordered full suite 222/300/250 from my friends up north to hopefully cure my upgraditis attack - will put them in the “New” room and then sort out ancillaries including speakers and stands.
It will simplify things somewhat and hopefully will be my end game plus it should last until him upstairs decides that’s it!

:crossed_fingers: :innocent:


I guess that puts paid to the debate on you “Ugraditis Attack” then… :wink:
I was sorely tempted following my home demo and hearing them at the Signals show, especially driving the Dynaudio setup. I have decided however, to go 282/300/HCDR with probably an NDX2. I will look at adding SCDR & XPSDR later.
That will definitely be my Naim Endgame, although the LP12 is a whole 'other story :rofl:
I am sure you will enjoy your New Classic setup immensely :blush:

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Can’t fault your choices - I just wanted to reduce the box count and simplify the system somewhat.
Out goes
1 x DAC
1 x XPS
1 x StageLine
1 x NAC 282
1 x HiCap
1 x NAP 250
= 7 boxes
In Comes
NSC 222
NPX 300
NAP 250
= 3 boxes

Therefore 4 less boxes and all that cabling!

And I will be able to stream - just got to work that one out?



Yep I went from 8 boxes to 3 and its just as enjoyable


Didn’t you have a Core and a Michell Gyro too?

If yes, how do you find the phono stage in the 222?

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That looks like it the end of that thread,hope you are very happy with the new setup, shame I was looking forward to your adventures with the new room but understand your decision.
I attended the show on the Sunday and agree both dems with the new range driving Kef speakers were very impressive. Enjoy and keep us updated with your findings :+1:.

Can I ask are you trading all your equipment in against the new setup?

Spot on @HungryHalibut that fireplace :rofl:

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Still got Core and Gyro - order only just gone in so it will be a little while b4 I can answer - but I will let you know.

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Yes it’s all going bar the Core and Gyro.
I’ve got the opportunity so I’m going for it - it’ll be nice to have all new gear and it should keep me going for a while.
I don’t think the new room will make to much difference with regard to the electronics but I’ll be holding off a final decision re speakers until they’ve had time to bed in properly. Although I’m hoping to listen to some ProAc DB3 as they seem to be ticking most of the boxes at the moment.

Not so long ago I had this.


Nowadays it’s this.

The first is obviously better, but the second is much nicer to have in the room. It’s all about getting what works for you.


Very nice - think I would have taken your sl2 without any hesitation:)

Have you ever had kit long enough to need a service ??