Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

Personally, I’d stick with the first option, but as you say - if it works for you…

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder - Fraim looks great!


I most certainly have, though not recently it has to be said.


Why is that so ??

I put the pictures up as a bit of fun in reply to Simon, and didn’t expect to be quizzed, so I’ll say no more.


Another of my thoughts re my “upgrade” problem was that whichever way I went it would mean more or larger boxes - ie. HiCap to SuperCap - and as I’d already got bits and pieces hiding around the back and even though there was no requirement I just didn’t want to expand the system anymore.
So hopefully I get a nice simple system, that’s good to look at and great to listen to.


Yes, you have had quite a random audio journey… All about enjoying the music though :+1:

Something wonderful about the simplicity of this setup. The Naim Uniti Nova is an excellent bit of kit which I’ve listened to at my dealer

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Deleted, please remove.


Not a view from my listening position.

Interesting that a very famous (and very rich) musician chooses to use a very modest setup
Don’t know what the speakers are, but the turntable looks like a Stanton ST150.

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They are PMC Fact 8, so not that modest.


The speakers might not be modest to me or you, but we’re not as wealthy as Sir Elton.

The turntable costs less than a grand, so a bit of a mullet system. :grin:

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Umm that looks like an SL-1200G to me which would be a fair bit more than a grand and quite an appropriate match for the speakers depending on what’s in the middle.

Just checked the price, a bit more than a grand. :blush:


Thought so. I caught those three bands too, and so much more. What a great festival it was this year.

Haha, oh so another cheap clone then like the Audio Technica ones. I’m surprised you caught the round buttons in that pic.

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Is it just my eyes or is there no Head Shell/Cartridge on the deck in this picture?:thinking:

Could be an ortofon concorde.

It’s a photo of my TV paused. The video does show more detailed views of the turntable.

Yes, it could. Does it come in all silver?