Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

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Which is brushed silver, same as the tonearm in the picture. The Stanton one is brushed, otherwise it indeed looks very much like one.

It’s definitely not a Technics.

What is more interesting is that the TT is positioned on what at first glance appears to be an upturned table with folded legs, presumably sitting on something else. However there are what appear to be compartments to the left, which don’t fit with it being the underside of a table.

In the context of high end hifi (which I assume could easily be afforded if that is Elton John’s system), they are extremely modest! It is interesting that the visible one is in a corner, and angled very sharply.

Notice how the records, both singles and full size sit below the “ridge”. Same for the turntable. Looks like the bit where the woman’s glass is can fold over and presumably there’s a similar bit on his end. It’s like a fancy DJs case.

It’s a Stanton ST-150 built into a Flight case and has an Ortofon Concorde Pro on it.
Not exactly high end.

Yes. I think the chrome device on the left is for locking the lids.

The BBC camera men probably positioned everything in the picture, so it looks good.

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First time we’d been. Absolutely loved it and we’ll be back next year.


Love the twists and turns this topic has taken.

Thanks folks.


Ha. I’m very confused. Is the celebrity under discussion here the one on the left that looks like Elton John - but is really some old lady with earrings interviewing a young famous lady ???


Some old lady gets my vote.

Is this perchance a new Desert Island Discs presenter & studio?


Or is it the middling aged lady* interviewing the older person whose partial side head shot resembles Elton John, who carries a full TT and a few records with him when travelling instead of a pocket digital player.

*I’ve no idea who she is, and her age is a bit indeterminate - I suspect she may be older than she is trying to look, but it is possible she’s younger than she looks!

I believe she’s the Radio 1 DJ Clara Amfo. She is 39, if that’s remotely relevant to anything.


Enter Clara Amfo Elton John in Google.
Clara interviews Elton in his record room for Radio One Future Sounds…

Interesting interviewing a musician who first hit the music charts 50 years ago about sounds of the future!


A very rainy day. Thankfully, there was Belgian beer to be had and British amplifiers to cheer us up.


Where’s the beer?

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In the oven. As you can see from the amp’s placement, we like to do things differently down here :laughing:

Hi Dan,
The speakers I recognise. They do look lovely, a classic.
What are the other elements of your system? They seem to have evolved from the version described in your profile.

Best regards, BF

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You have mono amps placed on sub speakers?

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