Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

Love the amps on subs, then cable risers used :P. Looks a superb system though. How do you find the Denafrips DAC?

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It’s a friend’s setup. The dac is very analog sounding and complements the power amps superbly, the only thing I would change is the subs, replacing them with one or two RELs.

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They look like Cyrus Mono X300 Signature Monoblocs. Each one puts 319W into 6 ohms


The decluttering is nearly complete with the removal of the atmos speakers and the new-to-me centre back from it’s repair trip to Sheffield.


New house new room sounds so different from the old house but in a good way .
I’m sorry to say though the naim is up in the wife’s office and the quad is downstairs with myself .


I see that your bird has little boots.

Its a very nice recording: Stacey Kent, the boy next door. Thanks for sharing :smiley:

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Yep… we put some beads on the prongs to protect the metal surface of the unit from scratches… probably not needed as the pointed ends are relatively smooth and rounded but better to be safe than sorry. Was fine in it’s previous location on a glass shelf…

Warpaint from Glastonbury via iPlayer via Aiplay via Naim is no substitute to being there but I’m still spellbound.


Stanley would be very proud :grin:

Mrs R away for the night, so thought I’d give the LS50s a go with the Nova. Was never happy with them with the Atom (hence the Spendors), but they are lovely with the 75wpc chi-fi amp in my second system. Couple of tracks in, and I already know they’re going back downstairs. Ah well, you have to try (or “eff about” as per Mrs R :joy:).


What was it that didn’t work with nova? I was considering a pair to swap in with my scm11’s with my nova.

I mean, they are lovely speakers, and they sounded good, but compared to the Spendors the soundstage was much smaller, less layered. The Spendors just deliver so much more music. In the smaller room where I use the Kefs as part of a nearfield system they are stunning, but in the larger room they sound a little lost. I thought the extra power the Nova gives might bring more out of them, but they just can’t compete with the floorstanders.


Where I sit every morning, news, coffee, nature to the right on patio and wall of sound in front.


Lucky enough to catch Gabriel at the O2 and The Cure at the Garden at opposite ends of last week. Spectacular shows, both.


Couldn’t Agree more HH, less is definitely more.

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I have a good friend with the LS50’s and I think they need a lot more power to get them right than KEF would have you believe. However, even in my friend’s system with loads of power, there is something about them I just don’t get on with it. Very ‘in your face’

You’re definitely right about the need for power. KEF say anything from 10wpc up, but they were reticent with the Atom. They’re also very sensitive to placement and room characteristics, and my living room is not the ideal environment, with open staircases at each end, and a glass wall behind the listening position. They do sound good in the nearfield set-up though, but you’re also right that they’re not really subtle.