Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

Those Keilidh’s bring back some memories, where have all the years gone.


I’ve owned them for nearly 30 years and still love them. They are officially my wife’s now :man_shrugging:t4: :joy:

& @dmu

I love my DB 1s & am surprised that so little is mentioned about them here, so will be very interested in both of your thoughts.

If I had a little more room I would be very keen to hear DB 2s with the ribbon tweater. I believe that in the right setting they can be outstanding and hold their own against many more expensive, & larger, speakers.


I’m listening to the d2r’s too so I’ll be able to say how they compare in my room at least.

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I will be even more interested in you opinion.

I hope the DB 1s sound better otherwise I will become dissatisfied with mine! Seriously I suspect the 2Rs will outperform them by some margin but I really think they will swamp (sound wise) my smallish listening room &, having got use to the relatively small 1s, both my wife & I would find their physical size a little obtrusive. If I had about 20% more space then the 2s would be top of my audition list.

Having said that I have had my 1s since mid 2019 & have continually found them delightful, driven by my Nova. They do what ProAc claim, sounding like larger speaker in all aspects other than base response. Having said that, I would say that, in my room, I don’t consider the base to be lacking at all. It doesn’t shake the walls & foundations but is clear & tuneful.


A bit late to the party, being myself a optometrist i mainly rely with Zeiss for my prescriptions. For multifocals we have the Smart Life family available in all index White and photochromic and BlueGuard technology for Blue light control. For single vision Smartlife again whith free form construction for enhanced peripheral vision. The new ClearView single vision Lens Is a sort of trickle down technology from Smartlife and available in stock and BlueGuard as standard. Last but not least the very new MyoCare Lens for Myopia control with specific geometry up to 9 YO children and from 9 to 16.
Hope this Helps.


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some rare sunshine




It’s summer time @Mr.M. I don’t wear socks in the summer time, unless I absolutely have to :wink:


Love my A6s. Great speakers.

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The speaker on the left needs to go on a diet :laughing:



Nice room.

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ehhehehe it’s the wide angle perspective

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Too, too much information.

Have you thought of trying the ATC SCM11 or 19? They should be really good with your NC250. Plus, they are very dynamic and fast so lots of PRaT. Sealed box so pretty room friendly.

Fraim has had to move and is now in-between the speakers (:flushed:) as bookshelves were installed where it previously resided…


You really should centre those three boxes, it’s very upsetting. It would really be best with the 222 on the top, to separate it from the transformers below. Maybe the Core could then move down, or go somewhere else entirely.