Pics ‘From the Listening Position’


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My old stomping grounds, used to work at parson house farm just up from the fox house inn .
As a kid I used to watch joe brown and don whillams and joe tasker climbing.
I do miss back home such a nice place and very sadly missed .

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Some late arvo sun enters while listening to a Dhafer Youssef CD.


Proper clockwork clock…does it work?

Fraid not Ferg - it did, but finding a repairer locally is impossible. I was told it’s 1930s German Art Deco and like it even if it’s only right twice a day.


Well it looks very fine, and right twice a day is better than many of my clocks, which either gain slightly or loose slightly, so are only right once I have wound them and set right. I have three that in fact keep good enough time not to move the hands when I wind - 8 day movements.

Finding a repairer is a problem these days, lost trades like so many artisian jobs. I have a couple of vintage amps - not Naim - that need service and there is no one in the local area, and although I have replaced caps, fettled and looked for dry joints, I lack the electronic diagnostic skill and equipment to get them to work.

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Extending my previous post of unusual listening positions …
Our main room has an opening skylight and my job today was to tidy up and repaint inside the upstand. This left me over 2m above my speakers, up a ladder.

Obviously the Hi Fi was playing - a range of earlier Queen albums with Bohemian Rhapsody a highlight. With my head located in the skylight there was so much extra bass! Very odd sensation. Not recommended for extended listening though.


Kudos to your bravery!
I’d have been running up and down that ladder every minute or so to check if I’d splashed paint anywhere near the system…or (god help me) on the furniture…fear of scathing retribution from my wife re the latter, and withering scorn if the former.


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I’d drop cloth the system. Tile cleans up easily. (-;

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What are the egg like objects and if they are actually eggs please do explain!




Thanks to @steviebee and but no need to be concerned. The system is further away from the ‘danger zone’ than it looks and other areas were covered. Also, as I was painting the vertical upstand of the lantern, not the ceiling, splashes from the roller didn’t put the furniture at risk. Anyway, my wife (Snow Dog) was out :wink:.

Coincidentally, Snow Dog is currently doing her morning stretches under the lantern and has just said, “You did a really good job on the painting”!


Well spotted @Sloop_John_B . The eggs are made from some form of elastic / rubber material.

They were purchased from the shop at the Royal Academy two or three years ago and I really took to them. They had hundreds of them in a large container and I loved them. Snow Dog is responsible for most of the ‘decoration’ in our home but I was taken with the idea of the eggs pouring from the small vase as it is obviously something that can’t happen. I was probably channelling my inner Salvador Dali!

Yes, the eggs will bounce. No, this is strictly not allowed. The cats ignore them; grandchildren are not (yet) an issue.


Visiting a friend. Now we are playing Elvis Cantu.

Active setup, same as he fixed at my place.
Drivers in the speakers are Mundorf (modifisert by Meyer Sound) AMT, 18sound midrange, 4x12" and 6x15" per speaker. Plays grand and lifelike without compression at all listening levels.


Naked hifi evenings?
Playing Footsy…:see_no_evil:


Walking barefoot are better than wearing socks. Imho.

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Not in the stereo triangle


Not even in the stereo expanded rectangle. :joy:



Almost from the listening position

All this talk of the new NC300 series I’m just slumming it with a 500 setup…


Tweeter pointed towards the rear?

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