Pics ‘From the Listening Position’


Don’t worry, it’s only temporary.

Nice Noguchi Coffee Table!
MArco :cowboy_hat_face:

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Keiser bike?


Great bike. No membership required.
I use Apple Fitness and my own routine.

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My home office also doubles as the listening room. 10sqm (squeezed meters) of work and fun.



Unless you are a politician


Getting there after the long summer break and the breeze blocks have gone. I am so pleased with the rendering work. It looks great

The only view I have from my listening position. The rest is rendered walls. Should be nice when I get proper furniture, lighting and my old clocks and pictures. Of course the nude oak floor still needs doing plus radiator and electrical fittings

And not too far away from the wine cellar :grin:


Lovely old CB Naim, but what is the larger ‘box’ on the right?

Yes they are and from my post uni days 1985. I left it very very late to get them serviced and recapped in 2021. I’m very pleased that did, worth every penny.

The box on the right is an Auralic Altair G1 with a 2 TB on-board solid state memory device containing a large part of my ripped CD collection.


Thanks for that. I hope that you get some furniture and rugs/carpet in your room soon, as the sound reflecting off the bare walls will be doing nothing for the music that you’re trying to listen to!

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Yes Graham, I’m still in the suck it and hear it phase. The rendering is a scratch coat render which shows its sonic benefits already and the walls don’t get more solid than this. Just what the Naim doctor ordered for my SL2 :joy:. Yes the room is acoustically very lively, but should be ok when finished and we start moving things in towards the end of the year.

Long time no post (that’s life etc etc).

Room has had much needed overhaul, and yes, that ‘rack’ is on borrowed time :wink:


Would love to get a SNAPS or HICAP for my 42/110. Saw a SNAPS that looked good for sale but the guy only wanted to sell in the UK. Not very efficient at that buying and selling malarkey :frowning:

The Gales are wonderful, and those looks…oooooohhh!!! …thigh rubbing moment !!!


Not much to show. The equipment is at the other end of an irregular shaped room. We thought about having the equipment near the speakers but that would compromise our NYC skyline view.


Things are always a trade off.

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What, no central air?!! :cool: :sunglasses: