Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

I never worry about thread drift, it is a natural feature of many a conversation, followed by “ where were we “

Given that this is a small community , we know each other’s background and foibles, so thread drift is a natural progression


Me neither, sometimes it keeps us all sane in the cuckoos nest


Rude comments have no place in our forum, just so you know…

Please let me assure you that there is absolutely nothing rude about my comments. I humbly apologise if you think so and deleted my reply

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I thought the dog was just astounded by the sound quality :flushed:

Looks like he’s hiding from the vacuum cleaner…

I see. Perhaps that’s why he’s frozen fixed… :thinking:

The luxury of designing your own house is surely a minority pleasure?

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Depends what you store and get up to in them :rofl::rofl:

Depends. In the UK, I never heard of anyone who built a house.

In Japan, if you live in a house, 99% chance it’s detached and 80% chance you had it built.

But growing up back in the UK, the idea of bedrooms was fluid. You bought a house. It had X number of rooms. You assigned their usage according to how many lived in it. At times we had a work room. At times it was a bedroom. On again off again like musical chairs. I think there were only 2 rooms whos use was constant in 10 years that wasn’t the kitchen.

Proving, if proof were needed, that context is everything!

Interesting stat.

Do the majority live in apartments?

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Tasker, Boardman, and Doug Scott made an ascent of Kangchenjunga (at 8,598 m the third highest mountain in the world) by a new route from the North-West in 1979, which was also the first ascent of the mountain without the use of supplementary oxygen.


Nationally, 45% live in apartments, though I’d expect that to be far higher in a major city. 55% live in detached houses.

Bit of swing between extremes. Apartments can be tiny so the assumption is that homes are small. But I read somewhere that for actual houses, Japan is similar square footage to homes in the US.

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55% is an impressive figure.

When I was looking for a house to rent in Tokyo suburbs 25 years ago they all looked pretty small!

Yep cracking book that is ,I lost my copy to someone who I thought could be trusted unfortunately they could not , Doug was another funny person bless him a huge person in ego and statue sadly gone from us now , he had pearcing eyes that looked through you as though he was reading your thoughts .

#Børresen loudspeakers