Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

I can just make out “special edition” if so I had one many years ago, lovely CD spinner

Room looks great G.


Ta! ‘We’ are happy now.



Both you and Nigel have me thinking PMC! :roll_eyes:

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The Statement amps not running….if you are the cosy one😉

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I like the built-in microwave, nice touch


Very good Hollow but it’s actually a microwave free zone here and this small view from the listening position is not bad :wink:

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They are to the right of the right speaker

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None of the cats have ever shown any signs of wanting to warm themselves by the hifi. Or even the oven :person_shrugging:


Good idea. When we turn on the microwave, the QB2 in the kitchen cuts out.

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A welcome day off and dog walking aside, I’ll be mostly staying out of the cold, damp weather we have here today.


What a nice, straightforward, system. And a lovely TT!

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How do your Titans cope with ‘off-axis’ listening?

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I just love the new Klimax - v classy


Hi Chris - It’s not my usual listening position (this is more for reading, headphone listening but Mrs n and the dogs had taken the sofa) but the Titans work ok off axis. Certainly good enough for casual listening, friends round etc. Just a bit of extra bass reinforcement as I’m close to a corner compared to my usual position.

Hi @Andyblain - Thanks. I like simple these days as I think you do too with your DCS / D’Agostino setup. The TT is probably the longest surviving item on my rack, bought back in the day when I had a AmD fettled TT 225.

Hi @crispyduck. Thankyou, it’s a lovely bit of kit. End game source for me !


Right now…


This light level is ‘pretty accurate’ but I’d say the white balance is out (a smidge cool in the shot vs the warmth/yellow in the room).

“Umm” so ‘why the mess’; hahah
yeah- er, well-
No accounting for tastes :wink:

seriously though; this is a work zone… the screen at the bottom edge is a Surface being serviced. My laptop beside it shows my favorite shot (so far) from this thread…

Scattered, literally, around this room is several thousand CDs- they do not always make it back to their respective spots in various racks and shelves when I am rotating equipment and need ‘my test tracks’ on hand.

The room is dark, but it is early, the keyboards are backlit, and “Ghibli selection played on a moist violin” brings the serenity that the space might not seem to contain.

after all music smoothes/soothes the soul

Unlike wheres’ waldo/wally; playing ‘spot the Naim’ is the name of the game!


Here’s my view. Just need to dispose of DVD player and get my CD XS5 in there…


Nice set-up :+1:
Lovely vibe in your room

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