Pics ‘From the Listening Position’

I would probably leave it as it is… :slight_smile:

Second the room setup, especially the nice blue on the unit.



Echoes of Nottingham Rock City…….happy days :crazy_face:


Top venue !

It’s a Marantz 2270. Just a display piece for now but since the value of these has gone thru the roof I’ve been considering selling it to upgrade the systems I actually use.

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Very beautiful setup and with fine acoustic I belive.Nice bench to.Is it a Ikea furniture?

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It’s from a furniture brand called Tenzo

Thank you.

Hi @Hifi_Naim_CNNL
We are about to move house and are considering a wall treatment such as yours for aesthetic reasons - we aren’t in the house yet to test if room treatment is needed or not - more to look forward to. Having done a search, I can’t tell if your wall consists of manufactured units (WoodUpp) or if it is a bespoke construction. Can you please explain?

I don’t think you are UK based but if you are, where did you source your solution?

My quiet space to relax and listen :relieved:


Great setup. The Crossing is my favourite album and the first album I bought.


My view this evening as I’ve got my Xmas lights (hence the blue glow) on!


They are indeed original Woodupp panels. Behind it I placed 5 cm polyester wool 40kg/m3 as the felt wasn’t sufficient for absorption. Of course you have make it to size yourself.


I love my Eames. Best chair in the world.


My HiFi is set up in a small bedroom which is my dedicated listening room. Totally compromised by it’s size. Record storage is a big problem as it’s interfering with the right hand speaker. Despite it’s issues I’m getting an enjoyable sound and can spend a good few hours at a time in here listening to music. It’s my little space.


I remember that they were Linn Kan in this room before. Love the setup.


Thank you. Yes the Linn Kans were fantastic in this room. These are even better, like Kans but with lovely bass.

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Wall mounted shelves above the speakers should cure the acoustics issues with the vinyl racks to your right🤔

That’s a good idea :smiling_face: although I’m not confident the wall could take the weight.

A small space is all you need. Nice system. Your profile refers to the Saras having been rebuilt. What goes into a rebuild? Just curious.

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