ProAc Tablette 10 Signature with Supernait 3

Hi Everyone,
I’m following this forum for quite some times and now it’s my time to required your help :slight_smile:

I’m having some ProAc tablette 10 signature coupled with a Nait XS2 and have the opportunity to change it for a Supernait 3 for a decent price.

Will I gain (even notice) anything in the change or is the Nait XS2 is already the best for the tablette?

Thank you very much!

I listened to my ProAc T10s with a NAP300 (with NAC72 + SC) and it was the best listening I’ve ever had to these speakers.
With this amp, the speakers disappear completely, leaving only the music to fill the room.
so, yes, more power can be good :wink:

but … I’m also delighted with my NAIT50 :smiley:

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From my experience, Proac will just keep giving with better and better amps, (and sources).


More control but maybe not needed if smaller room, then a Nait 50 might be the better amp.

Having run a pair of ProAc speakers with both a Nait XS 2 with ProAc D2D and a SN 2 with ProAc D30RS I believe you will have a wonderful listening experience.

If you are working with a dealer can you bring in your speakers for a listening demo?

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The Supernait 3 will be a considerable improvement over the Nait XS2. I used the T10 Signature with a Supernait 3 and it was excellent. I also had an NDX2 with XPSDR; I’d suggest you look at a much better source. If it’s source or amp, choose source. A £220 source with a £4,000 amp and revealing speakers just doesn’t make sense.


I think if he have a good deal on a SN3 he can go for it.
and later change the source for a better one.

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The short answer is yes, the SN3 is better than the XS2.

I had a XS2 for about 2 years, then upgraded to the SN3. That being said, knowing what I know now I should have gone for a better source first then Amp. The XS2 was likely better than I thought it was at the time if I fed it correctly. Whatever you do, those Proac speakers will reward you with better Source and Amplification.


I will echo the other comments regarding source: you can’t replace information that was never there to begin with, and investing in a good source will let you hear all future upgrades. Luckily, there are some truly great streamers, turntables, CD players, etc, for ‘reasonable’ money -personally I love the ND5XS2, but I don’t have the same resources of some of the folks on the forum :wink: In all honesty, I do think there is a significant drop in the improvement to price ratio once you get past around $5000CAD in sources. The old rule of thumb was 2X the cost for a substantial lift in performance, and for me, $10K is a bit too much to spend on a source. YMMV.

That said, I listened to the SN3 and the XS3 back to back with the same source and speakers, and I was genuinely surprised at the difference the SN3 bought to the party. Everything felt bigger, more real, more dynamic, and more alive. I realize you’re talking about the XS2, which I’ve also listened to extensively. I found the XS2 to be extremely good, but it lacked a certain vitality, favouring an ever so slightly smoother presentation. The SN3 by comparison feels less filtered somehow, a bit more raw, but also feels more vital, bigger, and faster. For what it’s worth, the source was the ND5XS2 for that audition: it was good with the XS3, but it was great with the SN3.

If you’ve got a good price on the SN3, I wouldn’t hesitate; it’s a giant killer if you ask me, and real value for money, even at full price. I think there’s a bit of dark magic going on with the SN3, it seems to manifest an uncommon life and energy to the music that I’ve not heard since listening to a fully active olive system back in the day.

I don’t have much experience with the ProAc’s, but I’ve used exclusively monitor speakers and naim equipment for 25 years, thus I’m familiar with small speakers that crave power. Naim amps have always delivered plenty of grip and control, so I’d expect the SN3 to only improve on the XS2 in those terms with your tablettes.

Searching for general info on the SN3 across this forum will reveal a great deal of positive feedback as well, I sincerely doubt you’ll regret making the move.


I upgraded to a SN3 from a XS 2 and I agree, the SN3 is full of life and vitality. The XS 2 just didn’t quite hit the spot for me…


I have a pair of ProAc Tablette 10 Signatures with a 552DR fronted by a near-Klimax level LP12. A little over a year ago, I upgraded my power amp from 250DR to 300DR. The improvement in sound quality from that change was immediate and striking, a rare upgrade that exceeded my expectations.


300DR with T10s is pure magic :heart:


I used T10Sig with 300DR for a couple of years. It’s a superb combination. I imagine a SN3 will suit them very well.


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It’s true, Julien, that it was wonderful when we met in Burgundy.

But your Proac were also great with the Nait 50


I have some old ProAc Tablette Reference 8 Signature speakers.

I used to have an original XS amp and it sounded great. When I sent it to Naim for some love and attention, I had the opportunity to buy an “openbox” SN3 for (what I’ve now come to realise was) an absolute bargain.

From the very first note, the differences between the sound of the 2 amps was very very obvious (not subtle). edanmars and others above describe the differences very well.

If you can get a SN3 for what you feel is a good price, I would highly recommend it, it’s an amazing amp, end game for many people.


so @marcelP, what is your choice ? :smiley:

Thank you all for your replies, it bring to me a lot of reflexion (and research) :slight_smile:

First, regarding the source, which of you ever tested Wiim Pro plus?

Don’t be fooled by the tiny price. :wink: I bought it after the test of Amirm on ASR Forum, and I compared it with other streamers, and TBH, I barely notice a difference (maybe only filter or coloration added by the more expensive ones). it’s really a great streamer - DAC, very transparent, and when combined with the XS2 and tablette it sound sublime! Yes it’s less fancy, 100% plastic box, no screen, but I don’t care, it stay hidden anyway, the sound is what’s matter the most for me.

Now regarding the SN3, unfortunately, I missed this opportunity…

Many of you mentioned the Naim Nait 50, do you think it will be even better then the SN3 for the Tablette? I read some nice things about it, even that the sound quality is superior compared to SN3…

I might actually take another direction :slight_smile:

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I’ve also heard good things about the Nait 50 but I also heard it doesn’t come with a remote and the inputs are limited.

I can only confirm that the NAIT50 works very well with T10s :wink:

the remote control isn’t a problem, you have to get up to turn the LP anyway :smiley:


Well played! :grinning:

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