Radio Paradise FLAC........and ALAC

In case anyone is interested, RP have now produced a conventional FLAC stream, with a URL that can be added to some services. Unfortunately, this does not include Naim streamers, as the vTuner service they use doesn’t support FLAC. It can be used in Roon, though, and that took me all of about 30 seconds to get up and running. If anybody wants to try it, the URL is:

I noticed, too, that RP have changed from FLAC to ALAC on iOS devices, apparently due to problems with Airplay 2 which couldn’t handle FLAC streams.


I’ve just been listening to the new ALAC feed via the app/airplay from my ipad, it seems pretty good and a step up from the normal 320 stream. It’s a nice way to listen to RP as you get the album artwork coming through too


Yes, it works fine through AirPlay too. I have yet to figure out if Roon iRadio can be configured to show album art and other RP functions like the RP app does.

Thanks ChrisSU!

I need to figure out how to use the browser in my QNAP and see how this FLAC stream sounds.

If you use any of the implementations of Logitech Media Server - mine’s on an Rpi based server - there’s a Radio Paradise app which gives you the the Flac stream very easily.

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Is there anyway to use the RP app in the app center of the QNAP?

I believe you can run LMS on a QNAP. I tried this on my Synology a while back, and found it to be a horribly clunky setup to use, but it did get Radio Paradise running.

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Thank you @ChrisSU for this info. I am really enjoying the improved SQ. I am listening via Roon. Strangely I am not getting any text with details of what is currently playing.

Yes, the full range of options you get from the RP app are missing. If you use the regular Naim app 320k version, you do at least see what’s playing. There are some settings in the Roon iRadio thing that I haven’t had a proper look at, so I was wondering if this could be improved.

I didn‘t discover any settings but I just keep RP in a browser window so I can see who‘s playing that way :smiley:

If you are using minimserver you can create a web radio entry for radio paradise flac, so you can stream it to every upnp renderer.


Thank you, but I don’t know what LMS is. :smiley:

Logitech Media Server

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ALAC stream from the RP app over Airplay is excellent.

Thanks Chris.

I’m playing the FLAC stream to my Naim streamers through MinimStreamer using the following .m3u file:

#EXTINF:-1,[RP;flac] Radio Paradise FLAC

I also have MinimStreamer transcoding FLAC to WAV so the streamer actually receives a WAV stream.

Thanks, Adrian. Is this shown as a Playlist in Minim? I’ll give it a go in Asset tonight.

I tried this last night, creating an m3u file with a few BBC stations and adding R Paradise as above and a JB Radio2 entry that I came across.

Apart from a half second of Radio 2 I get nothing on any of the streams. Am I missing something, either in the way the m3u file works or the environment?

Running MinimServer latest version on Raspberry Pi 3, with MinimStreamer installed. Minimserver has worked happily for the NAS music lib since I set it up last year sometime.

m3u file is plain text as per guidelines, content is:

#EXTINF:-1,[R2] BBC Radio 2
#EXTINF:-1,[R3] BBC Radio 3
#EXTINF:-1,[RP;flac] Radio Paradise FLAC
#EXTINF:-1,[jbradio2;*:L16]jb radio2

I’ve also added these same streams into the vTuner console both as internet streams (as above) or pointing to my NAS drive per the MinimStream instructions that reference the stream ID in the m3u. Nothing with either format through the 272 box.

Odd that only BBC R2 gave any o/put, albeit v brief, and any variation esp in the stream ID tag seems to knock it out completely. Advice on what to check next would be most welcome.

Gavin, yes, after doing a rescan in Minim it will appear as a Playlist on the main menu.

This is all set up using MinimServer/Streamer but I don’t know whether Asset has the facility to do this. Asset appears to provide internet radio using integration with TuneIn so I’d imagine you would need to be able to add RP FLAC as a TuneIn radio stream using your TuneIn account.

I’m not sure if you are using the same Naim vTuner web page that I have, but on this, you cannot add the RP FLAC URL as you have to choose the format from a dropdown list, and FLAC is not on that list. I took that to mean that vTuner doesn’t support FLAC.