Show us your camera

I love this camera … have had one for 3 years. Altho should use it more.


My Canon doesn’t do anything anymore! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yeah do not touch Cannon :slight_smile: Have not since I was a teenager.

Using an actual camera has a few benefits,… (the ergonomics of phones not really being ‘a thing’)…

Mostly in the composition and the reaction from your subjects: people pose for ‘real’ cameras differently than as they do for 'phones.


I wonder if that Rollei was the influence for the titanium-bodied T28 and T35 compact cameras that Nikon marketed about 30 years ago?

I think a bit of post processing on this image and it will be fine. If you haven’t tried, how about opening it in Lightroom or photoshop and having a play around with it?

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Thanks , a friend of mine who is a professional photographer specialising in landscapes did alter another photo but it was not the same as the image I wanted.

As I said in another post, it gives me the opportunity to go back and repeat


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With my Fuji I shoot in RAW + JPEG as storage capacity is cheap and why wouldn’t you.

I was looking at a JPEG the other day and thought this is just not what I expected then flicked to the RAW and bingo so much better.

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You can’t beat a Nikon F2 (I have two), but four is a bit greedy!

everything in auto…LOL


15 secs in Photoshop and even a low res 307kb image saved to my desktop can be restored.


Don’t know how you were looking at the images, but raw and jpeg should look exactly the same pre processing.

Depends on camera but you can set tweaks to saturation, sharpness and contrast… even film type in JPG only in camera that aren’t automatically applied to the raw file. The settings are changed under, “JPG settings”.

On the occasions I don’t shoot raw only, the jpgs always look different due to the above. Sometimes I keep them but more often than not they’re binned.


I just don’t get it, but we’re all different in the way we work. I think the last time I shot a jpg with a dslr was about 10 years ago and even then, I have all settings to match. Why wouldn’t I apply the settings to raw? It’s only to view later and doesn’t affect the raw anyway.

I like standardised settings, same Nikon viewer, then process in Photoshop.

Because I don’t use JPG. I sometimes set them up to see the Leica JPG look but ultimately I process raws to the way i need them.

There are times with Olympus, sometimes Sony, that i set the jpgs to look a certain way that helps with EVF clarity but I wouldn’t want those settings to be applied to Raw. You basically see the jpg settings in the EVF. Of course, with the M I don’t need to worry about the that.

Classic Leica lines, but no viewfinder! How do you know what you’re shooting?

It looks like a Leica Q so it’ll have an EVF. They have a lovely mechanism to use manual focus! And , the way it switches to macro … very clever!


Thanks, so that connects to the raised piece behind the lens?

The viewfinder is on the left (looking from the back). The centre is for the flash shoe. Not sure what they have fitter to the flash shoe though… looks interesting :grinning:

A thumb grip.