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nice cd player!

Hi @krautnaimie Yes I’m happy with the Ares II, I bought it with the view that as it was newer it would be “better” than the one in the Karik. It is - more bass for one thing. The Karik has a sound that I like, it is easy to listen to for hours and the Ares does not alter that.
Don’t know about the “Vinyl Sound” although maybe I do as it is easy to listen to.

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I use a Project CD Box DS (spdif to Rega Dac). I don’t use it as often as my I-O DATA soundgenic (USB into RME adi2) music server since the music has been ripped. However, after listening to a CD last night, I still prefer the sound from the Project. It sounded more fluid and weightier, although less detail. It is not bass heavy, but it just had this firm foundation that is lacking from the music server. It could be due to having different DACs, cables and connection methods, but I am just too lazy to do a comparison as it will disrupt my listening session.


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I too have the Pro-Ject Box CD transport. The convenience of the NDX 2 is quite nice, but the transport just sounds better.

CDX2-2/XPS Dr 2009 build

CDX2-2 n.2 2018 build

CDX2-2 n. 3 2009 build


Hang on - you have a 555 and three CDX2-2s in the same house? That’s impressive - if not excessive!


Probably, but for pure coincidenze or not, i ended up having three of these.


Very nice.


I love my Opera Audio Consonance Droplet 5.0. Bought it a couple of months ago with dedicated stand and the sound is so big. Been feeding it my old discs since then!


Now that’s a player, wow.

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I have the cheaper little brother going into the Nova’s dac…


I suspect it sounds very good

It does. The display is too small and not bright enough to read from listening position, and no track number selection is a little inconvenient. But I was sceptical of sq difference given digital out (yeah, I know…). It matches the Star, that much I could check. And I’ll be slowly ripping the smallish cd collection to memory on the Nova anyway so seems a good solution for now. When the missis doesn’t spot a few hundred quid going for a better display I’ll make my move lol

I sold my 2004 arcam cd33 for more than this cost too! Miss it, but too big.

Now that’s impressive :clap:

I have reorganized my setup, and the Project CD is running direct into the amplifier at the moment.


Inspired by this thread I connected my circa one owner 1987 Technics SL-P770 to my Nova via a cheap (for test purposes) digital optical cable. Whilst not being used for around 15 years it still sounds really good.
I kept the player as it was bought by my father and along with his medals it’s one of the few things I have that links directly to him. Anyway, I’m pleased I did.
