Show us your guitars!

“Mojo Goldfoil Teisco Spec Pickups”

From the website. As I say, I’ve not heard them. They claim to be a low-output. They look a bit like Filtertrons, but I don’t know if they sound even remotely similar.


I am finally getting my pedal board together…after well over 2 years. (Don’t tell my boss!) I took a standing desk apparatus from Costco that I was no longer using and added rubber wheels to it. I might also try to extend the height above the casters just a bit to get the pedals off the floor, except for the Cry-Baby, which, of course, has to be on the floor to use it.

Still have a few minor mods and some cable routing to do. Then, I have to take the time to learn more about each pedal. The smaller board is all distortion, and the top level has a couple of spots open in case I want to just use 1 or 2 of the distortion pedals on the one board.

I’m sure Mrs. DrM will be over the moon about this new development when she returns from overseas…


Thats… quiet a board… :astonished:

I am pleased to see a number of Boss boxes in there.

Nice to see an MXR Phase 90

If only I could play like Gilmour…

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Having just bought the first David Gilmour solo album on Hi Res I was doing a bit of research on the record as Johnny Etchells who engineered the album lives in my town and a guy I knew from work his auntie Sherlie sings backing vocals.

I found a neat article on DGs pedal set up


Interesting stuff - I always thought he was big on the phase shifter. When I play through it, it is very evocative of his sound on DSOTM.

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Better then a whole load of black boxes

The Pete Cornish ST-2 is stellar.

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At $700+ it needs to be!

Rolling Stone magazine have just published their latest list of “The 250 greatest guitarists of All Time” :rofl:

These lists always cause controversy but I like to read through them to take in the description and narrative for each entry whilst ignoring the number associated with them in the list.

Some great guitarists profiled here.

See the list at [The 250 Greatest Guitarists of All Time – Rolling Stone]


I had a look through this a few days ago - what a load of old rubbish. Sorry has to be said.

One example Joni Mitchell - wonderful songwriter and singer but a top 10 Greatest Guitar Player - you have got to be joking. Yes alternative tuning but that had been done by so many before her.

Reading through the list and typing this is 5 minutes of my life i’ll never get back.


Any list of the top 250 guitarists that has Jack White higher than 251 is merda, which is what he is. He’s the biggest effing joke in modern rock. And they have him rated higher than a boatload of guitarists who could fart on the guitar strings and be better than him.

So, Chrissie Hynde is a better guitarist than Eric Johnson?! All a bit too cool for me

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There were dozens of those on that list…I love Chrissie’s work, but there were a number of those situations “overrating” musicians whom I like a lot as far as being a guitarist. (Keef and Neil Young, to name 2 others).

Of course, there is more to being a guitarist than just shredding; as I like to say when someone points out that Steve Vai (whom I respect immensely) is a better guitarist than George Harrison, which is indisputably true, my rejoinder is, “Yes, of course…now hum me a Steve Vai tune.”


The intro to ‘For The Love Of God’ is a hummer for me.

As I said, I really respect Vai, although I see him as sort of a one-trick pony. Saw him live with Dweezil on the first ZPZ tour. Frank referred to him as his “stunt guitarist.”…of course, Frank loved it because Vai could execute anything FZ composed.

But in the end, many inferior guitarists have written many more memorable tunes than he has - his writing is not the thing for me, as it tends to be mostly a format for him to exhibit his amazing technical skills.


I saw Vai in London around 1998 and again when he made a guest appearance with Dweezil playing Zomby Woof - one of the best pieces of guitar playing you’ll ever see.

But my Vai record buying spree ended after the first five albums as you say a ‘one-trick pony’.

And he seems to be a genuinely good guy. I’ve enjoyed any interviews with him that I have watched. His relating the experience of trying out for FZ’s band is pretty funny.

And yes, Zombie Woof is awesome.

And he did have a starring role.