Show us your guitars!

Exactly. Now going back in for an encore :smiling_face:

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Here’s my Left Handed Gretsch White Falcon ……with Right Handed Stringing……Weird but I am not alone.


Bernie Marsden’s Guitar Collecton - Auction - Part 1 -

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70 Years of the Strat -


My Musicman Stingray V…….excellent bass!


Re Stratocaster post earlier ……not sure of the date ….
1955/6 ish ???

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“Holly played his first Stratocaster, a 1954 model, until it was stolen… in 1957.”

I was expecting someone to comment on the diameter/length/type of the lead.

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Just for reference that photo was taken on Sunday, December 1st, 1957 on the Ed Sullivan Show.

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Weird- Not to a dyslexic :grin:


Hey Pete,
How’re you and the family holding up?

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This weeks been a bit rough but the last couple of days have been much better, so onwards and upwards. Thank you for asking.


Thanks for sharing your ups and downs @Pete_the_painter.
A couple of years ago a very good friend of mine went through a complicated cancer-related operation and subsequent chemotherapy. He chose to share the experience with his friends and relatives by way of a WhatsApp group and, although his posts there occasionally described pain and despair in respect of the chemo treatment, the continuous positive energy from the group’s feedback helped him to recovery.
The WA group, as is its founder, is still going strong today. Many new friendships have been made along the way and a few old ones rekindled.
Long story short … thanks for sharing, look forward to hearing how you are faring, whether in the usual 24-hour news here or in your own thread… :wink:
All the best, W.

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Thanks William we find it’s important to keep positive, we’ve also found that it’s better to talk about it rather than hide away at home. Our friends and family have been fantastic, friends with just the right amount of sympathy and humour, family with support.

The most difficult thing for me is I feel I’ve lost my independence and often feel quite vulnerable.


Mary Spender, from YouTube, plays some of Mark Knopflers guitars -


The Guitars of John Lennon in the Beatles -


Lennon’s ‘Club 40’ was nicknamed ‘Club Footy’ by the band. Cruel, but funny.

I always wanted a White Falcon - closest I got was the Setzer model (now departed).

File under “unfulfilled dreams.”