Show us your headphones

I really like my Focal Utopia with my SN3. Using Cardas Beyond Clear Headphone cable. Headphones very comfortable.


I’ll definitely run the next pair in like you suggested. Thankyou for the advice👍


Air conditioning season here, so on go the Bathys. Found a digital cable that connects to an iPhone 12 without any dongles, so better than ever.


Has anybody heard the Susvara unveiled? They look nice.

I’m really thinking about the Grado GS3000x again. My demo pair were only in my possession for a week and I don’t think they were even run in.

From my memory they sounded more mature than the RS1X - which were like having a pair of linn Kan 1s strapped to your head(I’m borrowing somebody else’s quote here but it definitely applies).
The 3000x had more bass although from what I remember they weren’t quite as nimble as the rs1x.

Is anybody using the 3000x?

You would love it even more with a real headphone amp… I listened to it with my Topping A90D, it’s an excellent duo!

I tried the 660 and I did not like it, I prefer the 600… compared to my Focal Clear this one is much better in all areas.

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I have no room for a headphone amp. No rack space. Also some sources would no longer play through the headphones. I noted this already.


Hi :slightly_smiling_face:

Solution for limited space.
NOTE: Not my setup.


Endgame for quite some time - hopefully!



Please stop. I have no room on the racks. Both top shelves are taken. Even if the headphone amp was vertical, as in your photo, it still has to sit on something.

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Not sure about the headphones, but you get a :+1: for the Tudor.


I’ve had the Cayin HA-3A in storage for a long time waiting for my extension to be built, but after delays I got fed up, took it out of the loft and set it up. At the moment my system is Fiio M11s - ADI-RME FS - Cayin HA-3A - Focal MG Clear. Not an ideal set up but good enough for now as I plan my source a bit better.

But my god - I have never noticed such a difference in sound quality than when I listened to the Cayin for the first time. Rich, deep with excellent bass. I couldn’t be happier. I have NOS stocks somewhere which I might dig out but at the moment I’ll stick with what I am enjoying.

Hopefully the extension build speeds up and it call all sit in my new office :slight_smile:


I’m still really enjoying my Prymas. I use them every day and they still look almost new. Comfy and sound good too! They are the headphones at the very start of the thread :blush:

No cans here at 38 degrees, but these are light and cool :sunglasses:

Just found some photos of the Audeze LCD4s. In hindsight I should’ve kept these just for their beauty


Just got a pair of these for my commute and working in the office. Blue tooth has moved on so much as these sound great wirelessly and even better using the wired DAC function.
Focal Bathys


Thanks. Very fine watch indeed. Love it. :+1:t2:

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Show us a picture with you wearing them. They will look silly unless you have a huge head ! I have a pair of lcd2s. My kids laugh when i wear them.

