Show us your headphones

Kids know nutheeng :wink:

And no, I’m not posting a selfie :laughing:


I don’t mind large headphones. I actually prefer the size. Kind of justifies the crazy prices for me. :grin:


Picked these up a few days ago, a pair of Bowers and Wilkins PX8 headphones with ANC. I paid a bit extra for this colour way, apparently it’s a homage to McLaren motor cars, I didn’t want the other options, boring beige or black.

I’m pleasantly surprised, my first pair of Bluetooth ANC cans. I’m putting together an entertainment travel kit, these will be used with an iPhone. The build quality is very good and so’s the sound.


Hey! I use these for commutes or travel too. With an iPhone 15. Do you also have the issue of a too loud volume on DAC mode, even on minimum volume ?? I love them but I cannot listen for too long in a quiet environment because of that issue ….
Bluetooth mode is not as loud and I can find a low volume that is acceptable ; but the thresholds between each volume “step” is too deep / I want to be somewhere in between …
Sound quality is great though !

Atom HE and Meze 109 Pro, super super happy about the sound, musicality, comfort and everything !

For commute/travels, focal Bathys (happy, not yet super happy at this point).


Hi James - I use them with the same i-phone and as they’ve ‘broken’ in, the sound has improved, a little.
My hearing may not be as sensitive as I can listen for quite long periods, although I do agree with your comments about the big steps in volume. I had read that in some reviews but it hasn’t caused me any issues so far. They’re a big improvement on the Sony’s I was using before, so still very happy

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I was undecided between the Sennheiser HD800S and Beyerdynamic T1, as I quite liked the Beyerdynamic Amiron Home, but I had the feeling something was lacking. I wanted something a bit more detailed. It was using the tiny IEM’s with my Astell and Kern, that started me off down the over ear upgrade path. My Shure Aonic 5 and Sennheiser IE 400 on the Astell, sound remarkable for such a small package.

I listen to music a lot on headphones, as my family groan at my love of Jazz, especially when it starts to get really free.

The HD800S came out on top and I found a pair with a good discount in Milan. I really enjoy these headphones, just so detailed and spacious. These are my go to headphones. Maybe they lack a bit of deep heavy bass at times. But I have heard little details I missed with the Amiron’s

But the HD800S, has one little defect. I am almost afraid to handle them, that silver foil backing just looks so fragile and easily dented. This has cropped up in a couple of reviews I read. I really handle these cans carefully.

Reading about HiFI gear is a dangerous thing for the Bank Account. The Beyerdynamic T1 V3, seemed to be a step backwards from the T1 V2, according to the reviews, and the prices SH on the web. The T1 V2 seemed to have some sonic advantages over the HD800S in some places.

So I found a SH pair on Fleebay at a good price. They came with the headband a little worn and I bought some new clean earpads from Bayer. I like these cans too. Very different to the HD800S, the soundstage is more bunched, but the bass really kicks you in the head on bass heavy pieces. They resolve a bit better than the Amiron’s.


I have had this new gear for just a few weeks. I have never before been able to compare headphones side by side. One thing I have learnt. The HD800S and the T1 V2, have very different tuning. Most of the time, music sounds good on both in different ways. But sometimes, a badly recorded disc will sound good on one, but horrible on the other. The recent “Bill Frisell Orchestra” , recorded live is a good example. On the HD800S everything sounds good, On the T1, the orchestra seems to be consumed and lost by an overbearing bass, that makes this CD almost unlistenable. On the latest "The Comet is Coming; Hyper Dimensional Expansion Beam ". The thumping deep bass is a pleasure to experience. Conclusion, it is horses for courses with headphones.

PS just seen the XS3 needed dusting!


IIRC, in their review of the T1 V2s HFNRR criticised the extra bass added over the original T1. They concluded that they favoured the original T1.


Beyerdynamic with the V3, seem to have boosted the bass even further. It got petty unenthusiastic reviews from quite a few reviewers. Only What HiFi seemed to like it.

I quite like this headphone as an alternative to the HD800S, for when I want some punchy bass.

I bought a Phonitor e SPL to replace my Topping A90D, I have Focal Clear I hope the sound will be better!


Looks a serious bit of kit

Very impressive

I received the Phonitor e SPL, it works well with the Focal Clear… Topping a90d is not bad but the SPL has more of everything. Excellent measurements do not make everything… (Wink at ASR:))

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Today as a birthday gift i got some beyerdynamic dt 990 pros and they sound really nice although i might buy a dedicated headphone amp because the headphone amp in my speaker amp isn’t very good but they sound great frew my dads naim dac v1


Happy birthday :partying_face:


Old trusty iem…


What amp would you guys recommend for the 990s they are 80 ohms and my budget is about 150 Swiss francs

Realistically second-hand. That equates to about £135.

S/H Arcam rHead might suit. I had one and it was good value for the performance. Graham Slee, Rega Ear other options but I haven’t heard these.

For £250 ish you could get a Trilogy 931 secondhand. Big step up. I had one then ended up with a 933 (£££) but the 931 is very decent for its price point, and lots better than the Arcam.

What is your existing amp?


Musical Fidelity X cans or the V2 version. They were £129 new in 1999, and now they can fetch more second hand. Although i have seen them down at £60. Ebay usually has a few for sale.
Easy to recap yourself and fun to mod and even more fun to drive headphones.
Picture of mine in my second system. With an optional power supply. All on top of an n-dac/250/72 and hicap. Fed from a bs node.


Do you still use the Trilogy 933? I thought my old 931 had been sold but we have a last minute spannering of the sale.

I have just purchased the Ferrum Oor. I preferred it without the Hypsos.


An expensive but crystal soundtage. It works well with my ever faithful Meze Empyreans although the Elites are singing siren songs of temptation.
Perhaps ZMFs but so difficult to audition.


Yes, in my main system. I have an Atom HE in my ‘office’ set up. The 933 is a bit special to my ears. Very natural, unforced and somehow effortless. I’m not good at describing HiFi but that seems to describe it. Discontinued now, but the 931 is now sold in ‘improved’ form as the 931i. Not sure how close that gets to the 933. The original 931 version I had was good for the price but the 933 is a big jump and feels like my headphone amp end-game.

I have ZMF Verite closed and Auteur Classics too. The UK ZMF distributor (Acorn Audio) certainly used to be run by a really helpful guy. Maybe he’d lend you some, or offer a 14 day return or similar? The two models I have are quite different as you might expect from open/closed and with £1k difference in price but I enjoy both in different ways.


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