Show us your Neats!

as i said, their looks are great, but only the looks :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Just winding you up mate :smiley:

Agree and I used to have a pair of KEF floorstanders. My son now has them and even uses them sometimes. Easy on the ear, but I find them flaccid and uninvolviing.


Taste vary, its a personal choice and everyone their own opinion.

I could easy put out a number of speakers I wouldn’t give room, but thats not the place here.

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Motive SX2’s here, only small for a floor stander but they do punch well above their weight and have great synergy with Naim electronics probably because it’s rumoured that Bob Surgeoner uses Naim when testing his companies speakers.


Here’s my Neat Ultimatum MF5’s (well one of them) which I upgraded from the original Neat Elites. As you can see, my twins are taking over the house!


Bob at one stage told me they use a SN2 in their listening room

But also other gear

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They also have a NAIT2, as they’ve used it at shows.

@gthack Nice thread btw - good to see another brand getting some forum attention.


So not a rumour then

I’m using Vito SE Momentum’s in my main (non-Naim) system currently. Really happy with them.


Correct Yetizone

Bob said it drove one of the new Strata speaker range really well

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Not all / mind you does use other brands also

My sweet Neat Momentum SX5i.


XL6 with NDX2, Moon 600i and Perreaux Amp at the moment just for fun.


Neat Xplorers :ok_hand:


It’s good to see so many lovely systems using Neat speakers. Makes a nice change from the usual ‘forum darlings’ :sunglasses:


Damn they’re good looking things!

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As far as I know, Neat Acoustics was founded by Bob Surgeoner in 1989.
Wonder if this was in co-operation with Derek Gilligan ? (now with Kudos) or did he arrive later on ?

IIRC it was co-founded by Bob and Derek.


@LRJH, I’m interested to hear your thoughts on the Xplorers as I am considering them as an option for when I bring my system out of storage in 5 months or so. Not auditioned them yet though.

Whatever I chose speaker wise; they will need to be positioned reasonably close to a rear wall (ideally less than 20cm out).