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Absolutely sensational Mesmo

Thanks for posting , it’s a beauty :+1:


I absolutely love it!

It was a bit of a nostalgic purchase to be honest, as that’s what I really wanted at the time I purchased the deck, but funds didn’t allow. From a sound point of view, I don’t think it’s out of place at all on the deck (though I haven’t heard anything later than an Arkiv).

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Exactly the same sentiment (nostalgia), with my own.
Always loved the Troika and wished for one, from way back…
And think it sounds remarkably good, even compared to other options maybe £1k +

Thanks for sharing :+1:
Best wishes

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Lovely deck.
Gorgeous plinth😍


Congrats on your gorgeous LP12 and welcome to the forum.


What’s the wood there and is that colour natural or stained? It looks like oak to my untrained eye.

It’s wenge: Wenge | The Wood Database (Hardwood)

That’s more or less it’s natural colour, but finished to a high gloss.

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Is it Wenj, Weng, Wenjay, or Wengay?

Or even Wenji perhaps? :wink:

I’ve no idea, but it looks nice, for a non-fluted…

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Pronounced wengay.


I have a question for Toon. In your recent photo of the LP12 and new Estatik MC did you use the enclosed Linn cables to connect the MC cartridge to the Ekos SE arm pins. I will be having the Estatik installed in few weeks time. My dealer always coils up the surplus cable behind the cartridge. In all my years of hifi I have never known this.

I’m afraid I don’t know the answer to that as I entrust all such things to the guru that is Mr Swain at Cymbiosis. He did the installation for me and it’s perfect. What I do know is that the cable from the LP12 to my Radikal 2 was an upgrade to the stock Linn version and was from Audio Origami.

I have never, ever heard of this. It seems… strange… :crazy_face:

No such goings-on with my DV 10X in my Ittok… :sunglasses:

That is so similar to my own Wenge plinth. I got mine from Solid Sounds in Yorkshire. The wood has a lovely grain, and is one of (very few) tropical hardwoods not to have ‘endangered’ status.

And there was I thinking that I was the only person on this Forum to have a Wenge plinth!


I have some quite good (I assume) cartridge tags that came with a new Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua cartridge, which weren’t used, if anyone wants/needs them.

No charge, obviously!

Thank you for reply Toon but could you just look under the cartridge head shell and you should be able to see if the pickup cables are coiled up. Thank you for your help.

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@mylinn12 - Pic below of my DV10X in my Ittok -


Sorry Graham but it now is

Millettia laurentii is a legume tree from Africa and native to the Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Cameroon, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. The species is listed as “endangered” in the IUCN Red List, principally due to the destruction of its habitat and over-exploitation for timber.[1] Wenge , a dark coloured wood, is the product of Millettia laurentii . Other names sometimes used for wenge include faux ebony , dikela , mibotu , bokonge , and awong . The wood’s distinctive colour is standardised as a “wenge” colour in many systems.”

Does this help?