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Thank you, Stevie!

I had an Aromatic right through, from the early 1990s when I acquired my Aro, to around 12 months ago when I purchased some major upgrades to my LP12 and Peter at Cymbiosis replaced the Aromatic with the Aro lifter device for me. I’m very happy with the Aro lifter which is a massive improvement on the Aromatic which, as others have said, was basic to say the least.


Quite appropriate since the chief designer of the ARO was a Frenchman. Not sure if he was also responsible for the aromatic though

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Hope you did not ruin a cartridge!

I think I’ve seen these in the torture museum.

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yeah… it looks pretty medieval. :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Looks great and retro I liked that arm and had one many years ago it’s a shame they stopped making it.
Very clean lines sharp. :+1:t2:


Thanks, LP12 is 10 years old, Jelco is 11.2021 :wink:


That’s a really nice plinth. Oak, I assume.


Yes, correct it is Oak


The king of timbers as we Carpenters refer to it as. Lovely Oleg!

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That must be one of their last arms.

A sad day for them , their workers and consumers when they closed


Does that tonearm need a special armboard, or do you buy a blank one and cut it out yourself? (Or, at least, get your dealer to do that for you!)

The Majik LP12 came with the Jelco arm branded as Linn for a very short time before Jelco closed down.
So ended up an unintentional LTD Edition.
Great arm and had been around for many years with various branding.
I had one many years ago as a Mission 774LC :+1:t2:


I had a Mission 774 tonearm on a Thorens TD160S (with an Ortofon MC20 cartridge).

It was a very tidy combination, and I tried to persuade myself that an LP12 couldn’t be much better. But I went to see Howard Popeck at Subjective Audio in Camden, who showed me otherwise!

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I had two different Mission arms through the years the 774LC “ Jelco “
And later the Mission 774 it was the first arm on my LP12 in 1987.

Now the same deck sort of 2023


Thank You!

Berlin Linn dealer installed 11.2021 tonearm. It used to have Project Tonarm on it.

A few pics of my pride and joy. It has been 90%+ of my listening time in the past year since Rad2 and the DV TKR were fitted.

Here’s a close up of the Peter Swain built and supplied Aro Lifter as it’s been discussed a bit on this thread. Works very well when required, which is not that often, but useful to have the option after a few glasses of red!

And a gratuitous close up of the wondrous TKR.