Show us your Sondek

A fantastic cartridge. I had three XX2MkIIs before moving up to the TKR last year. And the ‘limited fit’ of the ARO headshell is just perfect - despite a posting on here recently that the TKR couldn’t possibly fit the ARO headshell.

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That is one lovely turntable KJC :+1:

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It’s time for some Sondek.


Lovely deck! Is the plinth from Linn, or an alternative maker?

Is the ARO shaft covered, or is that a trick of the light?

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The plinth is from Linn in maple finish.

For the shaft, I think it’s a trick of the light.

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So Linn no longer paint the recessed bottom of the plinth (skirt?) black?

No, they haven’t done that for quite some time. They don’t paint black skirt for the new flute plinth as well.

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I have a Wenge plinth from Solid Sounds for my LP12.

I am in the process of buying a second LP12 from Peter Swain of Cymbiosis, which will have a Simon Price cherrywood plinth.


That would be very nice. Please post some photo here once you have it done. Thanks in advance.

Simon Price plinths are fantastic Graham

I’ve got a couple of them that Peter sent out to me here in Sydney

Fluted Walnut and a Birds Eye maple

Beautifully made


Thanks, Bevo, that’s good to hear. Although I couldn’t imagine that Peter would be so keen on them, if they weren’t beautifully made.

I’m really looking forward to having two LP12/AROs in my home!

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Oh 2 ARO’s

What a lucky guy you are :+1:

More money than sense, perhaps?

Nah - well done

My long suffering naim/Linn dealer managed to locate one for me here about 6 years ago , they are so rare here

I’ll never part with it

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ARO owners seem to be very possessive of them. You hardly ever see one for sale. I was just so lucky to find a second one recently, re-built and re-wired by Linn (rather than Naim).

The ARO was designed by Guy Lamotte, a brilliant French engineer, who also had a hand in the design of Naim tuners, I think.

(And I think that he was behind the ultimately futile attempt to build Naim’s ‘battleship-like’ electrostatic loudspeaker, the FL-1.)

Yes he was Graham

Fortunately I also have the NAT01/NAPST of which he was the creator

That is going nowhere either

Lingo 4 installed and my LP12 returned by Tony from Basically Sound. Big Thank you to him and Graham who did the hard bit… :wink:

…also Mrs QS had her new LP12 delivered and setup today.
Rebuilt vintage deck with Original Afromosia Plinth, Orignal Smoked lid, Circus, Ittok LVII, Ortofon Bronze and my Mose Herc II PS.
She loves it😊


I think that your wife’s deck would look so much better with a clear lid. That smoked lid must be pretty ancient, as Linn stopped making them ages ago.

But we all like different things, thank goodness.

Mrs QS is VERY happy with it Graham, including the smoked lid.