Show us your Sondek

Yeah, I’m actually a little frightened to total it all up to be fair.
I am going to have to put it all down on paper soon, as I will have to talk to the insurance company soon…:face_with_peeking_eye:

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Mine covers on the basis of new for old. When I did that sum (using closest available tech) and sent it over, it caused an uproar and a series of searching questions about locks, daytime occupancy, etc etc. Ended up changing the basis of cover to replacement units, but with cables too, it was still a challenge and specialised underwriters in the company were called in!

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Hey @anon70766008 nice to see a picture of your old fruit box. (We’ve all read so many posts, without a pic)

That’s a great photo and a lovely deck.
Thanks for sharing :+1:


I had the same (without a Black Widow) and hoped the same…lasted one week before I went back for the Linn.


That looks stunning @anon70766008. It must have takes some effort to polish the platter like that, but whatever the effort it was certainly worth it.

The thing is this gear gives me so much pleasure. I don’t know how to quantify that with money. You could spend £40k on new car. You can buy new roof for conservatory £15k. You could buy new kitchen £15k. But with sound system it’s pleasure. I have just worked out that I have spent around £50k on my system used. It is a big system with alot of cables and Fraim and 13 boxes and all serviced.

Was it worth it? Hell yeah!


I am with you 100%
With room mods to two rooms, equipment, cables, furniture/racks, the thought of sitting down with a calculator is terrifying.
Don’t care, because the pleasure is immeasurable and therefore beyond value :hugs:



You have done amazing stuff with your 2 systems. When I get home from work, and put system on. It gives me a massive grin on my face. I blast it. I turn it down. I listen to music until stupid hours sometimes and I it makes me feel so alive. It’s worth it. And I have a friend with £400k system. And you know what I think that’s fantastic. He has Silbatone amps and high end DAC and streamer. Pink Fawn I believe. Anyway, when I listen to his system it’s like how can I get close to that when your DAC costs more than my whole system!

But what we have is amazing and enjoy it. You live once. Do it !


He was spending £5k on mains plugs. We are looking at different league. But he has the money and he enjoys it. So do it.

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Yes, Iain, it took a couple of sessions over a couple of days to get the platter cleaned off, before I could polish it.

I’m very grateful for the kind comments and likes here!

(I haven’t had anyone tell me yet that the factory-applied lacquer is an integral part of the outer platter and that I’ve screwed things up now!)

The factory-applied lacquer is an integral part of the outer platter and you’ve screwed things up now.

:rofl: :wink: :+1:


I just feared that that was the case, and you’ve only gone and confirmed it!!!

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That’s stylish, Mario. Any details, please?

Thanks Graham, it’s pretty much the majik LP12 when they had the Koil and alloy trampoline promotion earlier this year. I had an Ekos2 that was put in place of the Krane tone arm which I don’t like very much, so its current spec. Really want a Lingo 4 but it’s my second LP12 so I’ve got to take it easy. My other is cherry, fully naimed with Aro Geddon and Krystal. I find the two turntables are very different in how they present music, both have strengths that I cant live without.


I’m still not used to seeing LP12s with an on/off toggle switch, where I expect a red light. Were some green, or am I imagining that?

(Mine, pictured above, just has the Naim black plastic replacement badge, as it is powered by an Armageddon.)

I don’t like the toggle switch on the Majik, makes a horrid click through the speakers sometimes too. The lingo button is much nicer. Here is my other one


I have a spreadsheet :nerd_face:

Yeah, I think that may be the best way.
No less frightening though…:grimacing: