Show us your Sondek

Change the currency in it for one where the numbers are smaller than pounds? If you used Kuwait Dinar then £1000 would only actually be 374 KWD. Much less :wink:

Lovely looking deck. Your efforts in polishing the platter were rewarded!

Thank you, I’m very pleased with it!

I wouldn’t worry about the lacquer if you are happy to re polish every now and again.

The Reflex M is a couple of years old.It was switched off for a day or so while I tried the amp phono stage. I didn’t let it heat up when I tried it on the amp.Will try it again later.I did think myself it would also sound better than the built in phono.It also has the upgraded power supply.

New kitchen 15k?:thinking:
Enjoy your wonderful system Dan

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Lovely LP12 Mario
What is rest of your system?

I pick up a lot of views on this thread about tone arms, cartridges, bearings etc but I’ve not seen much mention of the ‘trampolin’ and whether it is used/liked. As I inch closer to getting an LP12 it seems that might be something I look at. I have a suspended floor where the system is. Does anyone have a view on the trampolin’s effectiveness please and any drawbacks. Does it rule out the use of any other components for example?

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There is quite a lot about the Trampolin and other based boards in other threads. Personally, I don’t think anything “below the waterline” has much effect for me. I have an SRM Tech Silent base on my LP12 which gets good feedback but to be honest at the time it was less than half the price of a Tramp and replaced the original flimsy base. I might get a Tramp in future but only to put is back to stock cosmetically.


I have a Trampolinn fitted to my LP12. It’s better than the rather flimsy baseboard that was there originally. I would think that Linn would fit it as standard these days, but I know how much Linn enjoy taking ‘folding’ out of customers’ wallets!


I have two LP12’s, one with and one without Trampolin-2. They are both very different decks and in very different environments.
The one without is a vintage rebuild, but both decks sound wonderful.
Sorry, but this post is probably not particularly helpful :man_shrugging:t2:


If you’re happy with two LP12s, you may as well post about it here.

That nice Mr Swain of Cymbiosis is putting together a ‘second’ LP12 for me, brought about by my rash purchase of a NAIT50.

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@Paul52135 , @anon70766008 and @QuickSticks - thank you for your replies.

My take away is that it’s not the ‘must have’ upgrade sonically.

I’ll take a look at some other threads. I’ll also try and sneak off to my local dealer. (Sounds ominous when I put it like that!)

Many very fine examples here, but your LP12 is the one that just made my girlfriend say: “Ooh!”.

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Another SRM SilentBaser here. Never found a need or burning desire to change it - very good baseplate imho.

One day I’ll try the deck without any baseplate…some think sounds better. In no great rush to find out, but a small, easy experiment.

I run my LP12 without the old baseboard, I think it sounds better. The Tramp has never appealed to me as I have a concrete floor.

I used my LP12 for many years without a baseboard from the mid-80s I would guess, then tried the Trampolin 2, which for me is better but I suspect many others would think differently.


I often wonder if the regular aluminum baseboard would be better on a Fraim vs the Tramp2

There are other threads on baseboards.

On a wall shelf, we found that no baseboard was marginally better than the original board. I didn’t like the effect of Tramp 1 but agree that a Tramp 2 works pretty well and may well be the best option on a heavy rack or a sideboard. The pics here suggest many regulars rate the Tramp highly.

After many years, we tried the SRM baseboard and support platform a couple of years ago. The difference on the wall shelf versus no base was not huge, but SRM won. The dealer who fitted it for me had LP12s with Tramp 2 for comparison and was also impressed with the SRM product’s SQ and VFM.

I would have been very happy with that - except that I got to hear a Stiletto LP12 with the Skorpion base. I bought it. It now has Keel, Radikal, Ekos and Karousel. To our ears, it beats all the earlier options I have had since the early 90s, and I can’t say I have heard a better LP12.

Maybe one day I’ll upgrade the Radikal…

And from ah uhm! my neighbour (Mr Ive himself) :wink: :slight_smile: