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I run a solid Acromat on my LP12 Timbo. It’s supposed to help with Static amongst other things.
Sounds brilliant and I’m very happy with it, but I still have static issues. One of the good things is that the mat doesn’t lift when changing vinyl.
My wife’s LP12 has a standard Linn Mat and I will eventually get around to a few bits of double sided tape to hold it down. We don’t use it all that much, so I never remember to do it :man_shrugging:t2:

This kills static. Used with a cleaning machine. Once cleaned & stored in anti static sleeves (I don’t use outer plastic sleeves thinking they likely create static) my records never stick to the Linn mat. I trust Linn to give us the best mat for their turntables - why would they sell us a £20 mat if they could sell us one for £100?

On VTA, my dealer always asks if I play 180gm vinyl before setting it. He doesn’t sell competitors mats.


Linn changed to a much thinner mat some years ago. I still have the old one here and it’s double the thickness of the current mat.

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When I bought my 1st Linn you could have a rubber mat I seem to recall?

Back when I had an Achromat, it came with adhesive fixing bits. A right bugger to get off as I remember.

My first Linn, in 1979, had a rubber mat, just like this one.

That’s the one. My dealer put the felt mat on mine (in 1979 funnily enough) so I never heard the rubber mat.

Since ive cleaned my records with a Project VCS-5 machine and the cleaning fluid they no longer stick to the felt mat. Also, once cleaned they are in new inner sleeves


Using the £100 a red mat costs as a down payment on a Record Cleaning machine is the way to beat static :wink:


That’s the route I take. Humminguru and new sleeve for each record before it goes on the LP12. I now have little to no issues with static on my original Linn mat, it’s also got a couple of bits of double sided sticky on too so I’m sure that helps keep things in order.

I am interested in the Collaro though if for nothing more than adding a flash of red for vibrancy.

Hey @Dan_M, I took a punt and asked for a Collaro mat for Christmas. I got the black version, as I’m not as keen on the red. The black matches much better with my black LP12 and black ittok, too.

Genuinely, very very surprised by the uplift. I too thought the same… it’s a felt mat, how can it be much better?!? But, alas it is!

I’m quite shocked at the difference for the small outlay to be honest. Given the level of your LP12 now, I’d definitely say try one for yourself. I believe it’s a 30 day money back trial too… though mine is definitely staying!

From what I heard, the difference is that the Collaro is a woven wool material, as opposed to the standard ‘pressed felt’ mat that will be slightly different densities across the whole mat. Think it has something to do with this more consistent depth and density of material across the whole disc (being woven) that makes the difference to resonance absorption.

Either way, it seems to clean the midrange and to my ears, sound slightly more natural than the standard Linn mat. For the price, it’s pretty surprising!


good way @bsdmr2 I have been using the HumminGuru since 2 years and there are no static issues anymore after cleaning and using antistatic innersleeves (MFSL, Fudge or SpinCare). I have been cleaning about 600 records and the results are really good, almost as good as a Gläss and far better than any usual Vacuumcleaner (Clearaudio Project etc.).

Yes static can be a PITA. However, after I’ve put the records through my Kirmuss record restorer don’t have any problems at all.


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I don’t know the whys or hows, but having tried quite a few mats awhile ago (various materials inc leather (warm, rich even but dulled treble), cork (just…nah), some odd cloth material which had good reviews), it was the Collaro that stood out. Just easier to follow everything, and a sense of…I dunno…‘space’, ‘air’, ‘depth’…beats me.

But it stayed and I’m very happy with it. And…unlike my Linn mat, static pull ups are now a rarity.

Given people spend hundreds on trying stuff just to see…er, hear if, it’s a comparatively cheap tryout…


Yeah Tim, when a record goes through my cleaner it’s fine, but not forever.
I remember years ago, a friend of mine had an ‘Ant-Static Gun’ that he would point at the record on the turntable and it woul de-charge it or something.
Ever heard of anything like that?
I’ll have to Google it🤔

Found it, One of these…


Zero Stat. A staple back when…
I still have two. Somewhere.

I presume not worth it, if you’re not using them Steve?

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Well, he has a Collaro mat now :wink:


They do work QS. Not sure about 100% effective but quite well iirc. But it’s true, I don’t have too much trouble with static nowadays. The one thing I did use ZS a lot for was when first taking some new records out and they’d stick to the inner cover… ZS were pretty good at that.

I’ll have to find them…they can have their uses.

Ooh, that’s a good idea. I still find that an issue and really don’t want to just tear them off, as was once suggested to me. I might see about buying one to try for that exact purpose. Thanks