Show us your Sondek

The problem with coming onto threads like this is you can get a rather distorted view. I suspect there are many happy LP12 owners out there who just bought a new one that sounds good to them and got on with enjoying their music for many years. If my original bearing hadn’t worn out I’d probably still be using it instead of the cirkus that was fitted at the time. Then there’s the Valhalla that was fitted (without me asking) when the deck went in for a service! I only changed it (to a ‘geddon style supply) recently because the Valhalla was beginning to fail.

Whatever you get, make sure it’s good enough to satisfy for the long run. That way the LP12 can actually be seen as good vfm :wink:


I plan to see Peter, I believe that at the moment he is busy doing what he does best somewhere on the blue planet.


For what it’s worth, if lightning would strike the apartment and insurance would allow me to start anew buying new only, my personal turntable favourites would be:

  • Rega Planar 6 with Exact

  • Rega Planar 8 with Ania Pro and Fono MC (initially)

  • Linn LP12 Majik with Minos in MM

  • Linn LP12 Majik with Lingo 4 upgrade (and Trampolin 2) in MM or MC

  • Linn LP12 Select with Radikal 2 upgrade

There something for everyone at any price point in the list above. But this is what works for my ears in my room in my system. And I wouldn’t have known this without all the demos and trying things out myself. And once under way there’s no point going back to a “level” LP12 again. So in hindsight, compiled knowledge, as I said, for what it’s worth.


I think discussing your needs with Peter will be a big help. He will offer options and then you can make a good choice.


You’re absolutely right, I only got involved in this because I am interested in a LP12 run through Naim amplification, it was the Naim factor that sucked me in the LP12 thread was a lovely bonus.

A new Majik LP12 owner in the last few years with no interest in Naim is unlikely to be on this forum, if I hadn’t found the forum I would probably have just gone to my local Linn dealer and bought new, job done.

Now I’m wiser and confused.



I spent alot of time with my dealer and we discussed the Radikal 1, 2.and Linn Lingo 4 and a Urika.

While I intend to do the Radikal upgrade we discussed changing the tonearm for something better and the cart.

For me this yielded huge improvements. Going from an upgraded Akito to Ekos 2 with new MC cart really made the difference.

The Karousel in comparison did nothing!

Obviously a Linn Lingo 4 or Radikal 1 or 2 will take things to another level. But at this point getting the tonearm and cart right have been very worthwhile.

And then there is a school of thought of using geddon or valhalla supplies and having great tonearm and cart such as Aro and Troika!

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Interesting choices;

The P6 isn’t sufficiently different from my P3/Neo/Fono/Exact to warrant me buying now but if I had to replace my current system due to your lightening strike I would prefer the 6 over the 3.

P8 or P10 is a no no for me, just don’t like the look

An LP12 in Selekt would be first choice if money no object.

Other TT I would look at would be Origin Live, but whilst great sounding I just struggle with looks.

I appreciate that people have what they have following time spent listening to what they own and then listening to other TT’s with some different parts in that may or may not improve the sound.

It is a road that I am looking forward to travelling.


What cartridge are you thinking of getting ?

I see Linn think the Krane is good enough for the Koil ( AT OC9 based, so very good ). Not sure about the Adikt but it has its followers.

( yet another can of worms opened … )

If I bought new I would be surprised if I went beyond Majik plus a Lingo 4, I would definitely consider adding a MC cart in due course along with a good phono stage, and I have upgraded amplification to possibly consider in the fulness of time.

Which ever way I go it is going to be an enjoyable journey.


You do have the benefit of Harry York at Audio Genesis in Darling Harbour, however!
Definitely worthwhile having a word with Harry if you haven’t already done so. KR, Peter


Now that is a very good question, my brain says stick with MM as I have a reasonable MM Phono stage, my heart says Koil and get a decent MC phono stage.

Probably Koil…

Maybe Adikt

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No, it’s not, and there is a perfectly good set up guide that will help you :wink: however, getting hold of the right quality of parts is essential, making sure they are serviceable/usable and the number of people buying cirkus bearings for example, without inspecting the wear surfaces does surprise me when I get decks brought into me for set up. Quite often, they’re very pitted due to contamination of the oil caused by poor handling by previous owners, but there are lots of other things. Buying from a reputable dealer should avoid these problems and there are a good number of reputable dealers around. It’s just a case of doing once research. KR, Peter


Excellent and informative reply.

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Short term compromise for long-term gain as these parts can be sold back or sold on for roughly what somebody pays for them, and if they can justify replacing them/upgrading them because they’re playing vinyl so much then there’s nothing stopping them buying new the next time round. The important thing is if that’s likely to be the case to at least start off with a new LP 12 transcription unit populating it with secondhand. The choice is for the individual to make but at least if you buy the deck new you can choose the colour!


One step at a time. It’s been an enjoyable learning journey for me. The other good news is that the parts you sell on get reasonable money back. I managed to get a good part exchange price for my upgraded Akito tonearm, and a great price for my used Cirkus which was in perfect condition.

Anyway, apologies for chiming in so much, but I just thought I ought to catch up on the thread to see what’s been going on while I’m out of the UK. Here is one I was working on earlier and it’s time for bed now! :call_me_hand:
KR, Peter


Stick with MM. You can always go MC later if you can justify it by how many records you are playing at that point, don’t waste money on replacing a perfectly adequate phono stage you have with something that may only be marginally better, unless you throw a lot of money at it!!
Priority, one is Karousel which kind of implies a new transcription unit. Unless like Frank F, you were prepared to wait and very occasionally a used one comes up. The reality with this bearing however, was that the previous owner was very happy with it, but sadly he is not around to be playing any vinyl anymore. :pensive:


Would that be Hong Kong, Peter?

“Priority, one is Karousel which kind of implies a new transcription unit. Unless like Frank F, you were prepared to wait and very occasionally a used one comes up.”

I started the concept of buying another LP12 in November and was able to reserve and pay Peter for the relevant parts as they came available. Karousel was a priority. 4 months in and it is all together and ready to collect. If you are in no rush that is an excellent way forward. BTW does the Magic LP12 come with a Karousel, if so you have the direction to take?

Peter’s comment about inspecting and checking used parts is very important and if my memory serves me well that also applies to new. I know that Peter grades the suspension springs according to strength to ensure that the optimum strength spring is placed in the relevant position. This attention to detail is not universal and reflects the quantity of parts that he carries!!

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It says something about MM that when I was last at my dealers he had one or two LP12s just upgraded with Radikal/Keel that were still running with an Adikt. My advice would be, set a budget and talk to an expert :blush: