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That’s the exact same year & price as my LP12…!!! :astonished:

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What’s the third item on the rec’t @Toon?
'Doc shell" is all I can make out, £4.50.

It’ll be obvious, but brain fog has set in…

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Or several experts as opinion is not universal. And of course trust your ears!


Could it be Head Shell…? I think the original Linn Basik was a removable headshell arm…? Not sure. I had a Rega R200 fitted on mine contemporaneous LP12, which definitely had a removable head shell… (I had a Rega Planar 2, with the same arm, previously)


Indeed you need a bigger hole in the PSU board for the Karousel bearing to fit @bruss . You could mount the Hercules in the external Mose enclosure, but that enclosure alone costs more than the Minos, and from that expenditure a recapped Lingo 2 is the next best idea anyway IMO.

I was not so happy about that at the time - purchased my Majik deck early 2018 (then with Project / Cirkus) with as options the Hercules, Trampolin 2 and a special plinth.

After just one year the Jelco Linn arm appeared, and another year later the Karousel bearing which couldn’t be used with the Hercules. Yet another year later we got the Krane arm and finally another year later the return of the fluted plinths (I do have a fluted walnut plinth but it was then a very limited edition). All in all I couldn’t help but feeling I had made a badly timed buy.

I shrugged it off eventually and moved to an even better Jelco arm and its cable, a nice cartridge and left the rest at that, sounded good (enough) anyway with the system I had then, until now.

But today’s Majik (with Minos) is really the package it should have always been and great to buy now.


I’ve given advice earlier in the thread and the choice for you is new and starting its life and growing with you.
I have Naim amp and Kudos speakers.
That’s what i did and it’s a friend in my house since birth.
There are choices these days jumping forward nearly 40 years for me but a brand new Majik is many times more advanced than my basic one was to start with pick your plinth from Peter and let him build you new and you know where it’s been and how looked after” it’s your baby “ so let it grow with you and it will mean more to you.
I could see the point of inheriting from dad or whatever meaning something but this is personal you and Mrs picking the plinth from new.
Best start possible and Peter does my deck too.
I know you get a higher spec deck from bits but then it’s a random machine.
I loved bringing mine home brand new and I still have it to cherish 37 years later. :heart_eyes:
I have chronic “pure OCD “ so second hand isn’t an option for me.


Thanks for the explanation. I was idly thinking about a bearing upgrade at some time. I’ll stick with what I have as long as it lasts.

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I have long held a view that a very good MM cartridge can hold its own against many a MC cartridge, but of course there is always the what if … factor.

MM phono stages are everywhere, a lot are very good and not overly expensive, many amps have them built in including the SN3 which is on my radar.

Should I buy a new LP12 then I will most likely stick with MM and the Adikt. Although I do fancy jumping to MC but maybe that can wait for another day.


Or a High Output MC… DV10X Owner, here… :slightly_smiling_face:


I can’t remember with certainty, but my Basik didn’t have a detachable headshell…I think?

So long ago, the fog has really thickened!

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Depends which Basik…

This is the original LV-V Basik -


This is the later LV-X -

download (1)

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I have my first receipt somewhere (:crossed_fingers:t3:). I’ll do some squirrelling sometime - it’d be nice to see it again. Think my Linn was around £350 - £380. Don’t remember the particulars that were itemised.

Yes, I’ve seen your posts in the thread, I have wondered about a high output MC into a MM phono stage, you run your DV10X into an MM phono stage I presume.

Thx for the pix.
Must’ve been a V then, I don’t remember having a straight arm til the Ittok.

I thought espresso was meant to aid clear thinking, lol…praps not.

I first owned a 10X in 1979. Which ran with an A&R A60 amp, with an MM input. Later when I had a 10X2, I bought my Naim 42/110. The 42 had 322 N MM boards.

I swapped over to using Linn carts, having first an Asak and then an Asaka, with Naim 323 S boards. Then in 2001, I changed back to another 10X, which I ran with 522 N boards in a NAC102.

The 102 then changed to a 82, but the same (ex-102) 522 N boards were transferred.

Then… I heard mention on here, of people running 10X’s into Naim S or E boards… :astonished:
I now use 523 E boards (I bought S boards and got them converted).

Simple, really…

Nothing wrong with a 10X into an MM input. But by using E boards, I get a better gain match vs CD. Much less of a volume jump, when changing inputs… :expressionless:


That looks rather like the Wenge wood plinth that I have upstairs!

(Now classified as ‘endangered’, sadly.

All the pics I can see on the Webz show the LV-X or Basik Plus arm with a straight arm tube and an Ittok style fixed headshell (not sure it is fixed…?).

Whereas the LV-V has a more Rega style S-shaped arm tube, with a removable head shell.

I am very happy with my Ortofon MC3 Turbo high output MC into the the Nait XS3.

But as you’ve read earlier in the thread a LP12 is a fine balance of many variables, and this cartridge happens to work with my deck and psu and arm and amp and rest of system…demo first!

Simple, really…


Clearly with all this Naim stuff I have so much to learn :grimacing:


Once you have a DV 10X or similar - and a Naim Preamp that takes interchangeable Phono boards, its not that tricky.

First get the MM ‘N’ boards - lots of those round. Then start hunting for S, K or E boards - S & K can be converted to E spec, by @Darran at Class A in Sheffield or by Naim in Salisbury.

Its not so easy with the later/current Naim Pre’s that have to use an external phono stage. The Stageline is available in MM and in MC versions (same S, K or E versions). But… you need to swap the whole Stageline.