Show us your Sondek

Thanks Dan :+1:t3: Much obliged.

I’ll search what a Radikal actually is, then…thought it was similar to Selekt in function.

Assuming Selekt is a box…I may have this all wrong!

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Selekt isn’t a box. It’s a level. Used to called Akurate. Now they call it Selekt. If you had a Radikal then your LP12 would be Klimax!




Radikal is a motor and MC phono stage power supply and control board for LP 12
It comes in two versions Akurate “ now Selekt “ level and Klimax.
There is now an upgraded version called Radikal 2 and is available as said the first version is now obsolete.
I’ve had all the variations. :scream:


Akurate or Klimax at the time two different box casings.
Akurate Folded metal box and Klimax Machined from solid casing.



I’m not sure I want any upgrades other than the ability to play 33 and 45 LP’s without faffing around with an adapter, a simple press of a button is what i’m after, the fact that an off board power supply would also help sound quality is a bonus I’m happy to accept.

Other than that I have no idea what I would like to upgrade, I think just sit back, listen and enjoy some music would be the best thing to do.


Brilliant thank you, that makes things a lot clearer.


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I’m still confused after the last 100 posts :flushed:


I went into the maze and got back to where I started, at least that is how it feels.

Seriously everyone’s input is helping clear those muddy waters.

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Unfortunate, but IMO the best advice for you (and @Oxfordian ) remains the same though!

Get a brand new Majik with any 45-rpm power supply, break your head over plinth selection :wink:

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Simplify if you want a new one buy it
If you don’t want to faff with an adaptor then it’s Lingo or Radikal
If you use an adaptor you should have two belts as one is overstretched compared to the other.


You are a remarkable person, first you manage to digest the first 4000+ posts, then you can also make sense of the recent ones! Not sure all of us can :slight_smile:


Wonder how a Superline and Radikal might go as a combo ???


We tried to help.
Some other posters just like to complicate matters to look smart
Epic fail. :roll_eyes:

Yes, but I already have a LP12 with a better arm and cart than a Majik.


Is that the name on the latest bearing or? Sorry if making a cirkus out of this but it feels like climax is near and I will therefore make a radikal decision to opt out of this thread even though there is some magic here and there. I hope that is an accurate decision.


You sure do Mike


Close but requires more.


I didn’t in any way mean to push you, Mike, but you expressed doubts whether your recently acquired used LP12 would be the starting platform of choice for upgrades.

So just enjoy it as is, and see if at any point you can demo a new Majik (and Selekt) to hear what all the fuss is about and where you would want to go with that, if at all.

All the best and happy listening!

You are helping, immensely.

Every post you make gives me something new, you are a few years ahead of me on your LP12 journey and have made one or two changes along the road.

Me? Well I am still trying to decide where to go to start mine.

Whichever LP12 set-up I choose it needs to do just one thing other than have excellent SQ and that is play both 33 and 45 vinyl without using an adapter.

As long as it does this then I can chill out and make my next decision when I’m ready, if at all.