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Discontinued cos no 45rpm :laughing::wink:

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How odd, given that it never had 45RPM, even when it was introduced 40-odd years ago!

Was just a joke, hence the :wink:


Ah, sorry, I must be being a bit slow here tonight!

I’m with you Graham

It would be fantastic if Naim introduced an updated Armageddon that could knock the socks off a Linn Radikal or thereabouts :grinning:

But unlikely of course for whatever reason

I thought Naim had a new TT power supply, or us that something else?

Yes there is but it can only be used to power their new phono stage

Which is a bit weird

I would assume it would be at the Armageddon level but don’t really know

Expensive at $11k for PS and $11k for phono stage

Its my understanding not as good as Superline/supercap dr combo

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There was a TT supply for the Solstice, but I have never heard of any suggestion that the two were interchangeable - presumably not, as otherwise an A’geddon (rather than a completely new unit) would have been part of the Solstice package.

The only A’geddon variant of which I’m aware is the P3PS used in the German-built Phonosophie turntable, but that deck has always had its own mystique, partly because of its rarity.

I believe that Naim’s Julian Vereker made the P3PS because he switched to using a Phonosophie TT - presumably after he and Linn’s Ivor Tiefenbrun had their falling out.

Here’s a clearer image of my Cymbiosis assembled and supplied LP12/ARO/rebuilt Troika, with a lovely Simon Price cherrywood plinth - to match the Falcon cherry LS3/5A loudspeakers. The lid’s raised, and there’s no ‘mist’ in this photo either! All that’s missing, as the eagle-eyed may spot, is the ARO bias weight, which dropped off of its own volition.


Nice :slight_smile:

Are you still without a functioning bias weight?

The NVC TT can be powered by 222 or 332 without an external power supply. For better SQ Naim does have the NPX TT which powers the NVC TT. This is the same power supply that powered the Solstice and the Solstice phono stage. Interestingly this means that the NVC only uses part of the NPX. The NVC is powered by a Type 1 power cable. The NPX TT also has Type 2 power socket that was used to power the Solstice and is not used by any currently manufactured products. Does this mean that Naim will be using the NPX TT to power some so far unannounced products?

The NVC TT and NPX TT do make an excellent phono stage and I am very happy with mine. Not cheap though.


Interesting question :slight_smile: The type 2 connection has 22V and 5V outputs, plus associated grounds, any ideas what you think Naim might be considering for it?

(The only 22V power supply I can think Naim have used previously is the Flatcap 2, 22V being preferred over 24V for powering the CD5 if I recall previous posts on the topic. Maybe Naim are secretly developing a new range of CD players :wink: )

I wonder if the type 2 socket is an unfortunate dead end, used for the Solstice, but not planned for anything else?

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A very nice setup, compact and bijou but no doubt packing a great sound quality punch.


I am playing the occasional record, but that’s not sensible and I’m hoping to find someone to fix the weight. My local Audio T said that it was beyond them, but suggested a fishing tackle shop at Brighton’s Marina!

Yes, it packs a very satisfactory punch, but is as clear as a bell. The rebuilt Troika is such a lovely cartridge that I found another beaten up one, which I have sent to David Giffin at Goldring to rebuild.

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I think that’s a fine suggestion! Any fishing shop staff should be able to tie an accurately placed knot in appropriate diameter fishing line in seconds. Gentle nudge to take a walk down to your nearest one. I’m sure the hardest part will be taking the decision to go. All the best with it, it’ll be great to have both LP12s working.

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No not cheap and evidently not at the SQ of a Superline and SupercapDR which is a disappointment considering the price

Maybe something coming in the future


Hi Graham, it took longer to walk to the shed for the line and loop tye tool than it did to make this. A fishing shop would love to help. This is 0.12mm - so a bit thicker than the specified 0.08, but you’re welcome to 5 of them if it would help and is within forum rules! You’d just have to tie the loose end to the weight at the correct distance and call it done I think.

[edited to add, I’m half thinking about setting up my own money making scheme supplying these, could do different grades, Si to Statement level… I think I’m on to a winner :trophy:]

[edited to further add, comments about the need to upgrade my wallet can be kept to yourselves :wink: ]

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That’s very kind. I have the weight and four lengths of nylon thread. Let me see if I can get the local fishing tackle shop to help.

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The more I listen to this LP12 the more I love it