Show us your Sondek

That’s an excellent starting point for endless upgraditis.


Yes. Welcome aboard!

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Chicks dig the LP12…… just sayin’

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I would. It’s beautiful

First action - get an original smoked lid!


Fluted afromosia is the best :wink:


I would get it serviced but keep it just as it is. Don’t “upgrade” anything. It’s a unique piece of history.


Do you know anything about it, how old it might be or which tonearm is it?

Looks like it’s mid 1970s, with a Grace tonearm (G-707 maybe) with an AT cart?


Agreed :+1:
Altogether, an early example

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Can you explain a bit more please.

Although I am a fan of the LP12, my knowledge is limited, what is about Bjorn’s that makes it so unique?

Do you think the tonearm is contemporary with the turntable, or could it have been added later?

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Same as it’s been for a while now & no intentions of changing a thing, so it’s the same old photo. I need to try & get a different view of it.
Radikal, Karousel, aKula, Khan, Ulrika 1, Javelin & DV20x2.
What makes it sound so good, for me, is the Javelin. It’s a stunning arm, I’m so pleased I managed to get one.


Contemporary I should think Bjorn. AFAIK the Grace was the arm supplied with/recommended for the LP back then… I’m sure there are more knowledgeable souls out there who will know more.


Yes, a Grace 707 would have been popular choice, along with Mission 774, before Linn started to make and supply tonearms.

Linn began tonearms in 1979, with the first iteration of Ittok


I looks as though it’s between 40 and 50 years old and also doesn’t seem to have been upgraded or modified. I would imagine LP12s of that age are rare, ones of that vintage that are unmodified even rarer.


Thank you

I assume the slot in the plinth to the right of the tonearm was for the lid rest, before lids were fitted with sprung hinges?

My LP12 was from February 1982 & came with a sprung, smoked lid.

That model is the very next just after the Ariston and Linn break up the only model prior to that had a double button switch.
It’s had a new lid as the original was a prop supported smoked lid.
The red plunger switch and rubber mat with original Grace arm is a giveaway to its age.
Before that it was a chassis kit for radiograms. :+1:t2:
I remember them all. :thinking:


Yes my first one had the dark smoked lid with a thin ‘Linn Sondek’ strap stuck along the bottom/front of the lid.
Should have kept that lid!

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