Show us your Sondek

Have asked the seller some follow-up questions now, it is from 1975 and just like you say, the player is in original condition :+1: (Except the lid)



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Probably don’t quite understand here Skeptikal, what do you mean by giveaway? Are they that bad, or?

Haha, no its a saying that means that they are identifiable to a deck of that era, a clue to its year of manufacture.

Not that they were given away with the deck


They were the must have combination at the time.
Nothing derogatory.
Linn LP12 Grace G707 arm and Supex SD900 cartridge.
It was the Klimax of its day if they had it then.
The one on it now I’ve noticed is a new type Audio Technica VM 95. :+1:t2:
It’s well worth keeping as a vintage example.
The plinth of that vintage wasn’t corner braced so wouldn’t be worth adding all the new bits modern plinths are much more robust less flexible.

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550 GBP. The start of your Linn museum Björn :+1:


Unless you are a collector why would you want a tt that is 50 years old and is not going to sound as good as a current upgraded one?

New one @ £4k

Pre-loved from < £1k, £3k or more to spend on something else, vinyl maybe.

Just a thought.

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Spec is Lingo 4, Kore, Karousel, Ittok LVII, Dynavector K17D3, Prefix, Supercap. Prior to the Supercap, listening to Pink Floyd’s Wish you were here was disappointing, after is sublime. The urge to upgrade has completely gone. Am I. Bad person? :blush:


It will probably be a lower price than that, the question is rather whether I want to drive 700 km back and forth to pick it up :thinking: The owner does not want to send it, which I can understand. A bit keen on it actually, like old stuff when it’s in good condition and this is an icon, but we’ll see.

Thanks for the answer @Skeptikal then I understand the meaning of the term :grin: What do you think is it worth the trouble would you say?

I’d say if you want an iconic bit of genuine retro and it looks like it’s in working condition having the new cart on it then why not.
But if you’re thinking it’s worth doing all the upgrades through time then it’s a real money pit.
It would be a shame to go upgrade path as nearly all of it might be replaced. :thinking:

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I could reuse an Amazon box (and newspaper) to pack it, but I would still be breaching Forum rules to offer it, even if I want no money for it.

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Very rare that I get envious on this forum as we all have our own ideals and ambitions, but that looks a very nice LP12 and I am very , very pleased for you and slightly jealous

Best wishes



Yes, very much worth a few hundred, be warned it is the Road To Perdition…

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A reminder to certain members who should definitely know better by now to please respect and abide by forum rules with respect to offering items on here (strictly forbidden). Thank you.

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That looks amazing. I’m an emotional being and if I had the money and space would love to own that, and keep it as original as possible! Good luck deciding on it, thanks for posting the pictures of it, glorious.


Graham55 if you’re out there, please do return. @Ian2001 - if you’re in touch can you pass on my best to him please.

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I have done so …

best wishes


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Just joined the Springless Revolution. Early days but can’t (yet) hear any downside and the upside is fabulous. YMMV etc.


Morning Mr T - that looks interesting. Can you explain a bit more please - a quick google turns up silicone mushrooms ?