Show us your Sondek

Hehe, a typo.

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Brilliant :star_struck:
Really happy for you

Happy listening ahead :+1:

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I too am very keen to hear others’ listening impressions using the VINYL PASSION Krown Outer Platter…

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Nice feedback.

We have been using an ORIGIN LIVE Advanced Motor Kit on our hot-rodded LP12, for more than 20-years.

We’re still on the original DC motor and it is still virtually silent!

I have had some up and downs with platter-speed stability, but fixed them a couple of years ago by diving-in, upgrading some of the components in the Speed Control Box - and upgrading the wall-wart power supply to a 24V/160W Ultra-Low Noise Linear Power Supply.

It’s taken our rig to the next level - and fixed any platter speed issues.

We love it!

I don’t think many if any on this forum have tried the Krown…I just wondered about it as it was new to me.


Approved… :sunglasses:


So, after 3 weeks the upgraded LP12 is now on duties with the 552DR/300DR. Wow, just wow.

I’ve also swapped out the Chord Chrysalis RCA to DIN from the phono to 552 with a Audio Sensibilty Statement SE Silver RCA Interconnect that I used to have between the streamer and headphone amp.


It’s a magical moment, isnt it ?
When you realise what vinyl is capable of delivering…

Happy listening


Excellent Mike - what was the issue with the 552?

A short in the SNAIC was taking out a DR regulator in the 552PS - twice before it was found. CM fixed it for me - top service.


Brilliant man , brilliant service

Those were the days :grinning:


You need to update your system profile @Mike_S.

I am pleased for you. Wonderful LP12 set up now. How does it compare with before you did the upgrades?


That’s a great result and a great system Mike. When you get to the point that every track is an event in itself and each one ends too soon, you know you’ve got it right. Enjoy your freshly uncovered record collection !


Done Sir.

Thanks. Well, it’s quite a remarkable lift in performance really. So much more dynamic and paunchy, and surprising how quiet it is with a very low noise floor- I hadn’t Inot) heard that before with a record player.


The Lingo 4 and the other upgrades will all contribute towards a lower noise floor.

Glad you are happy with it Sir!


Yes, that same thing was one of the key characteristics or outcomes we observed too, (when we did same or similar), back in 2021. Quite amazing really.

Happy listening

It took a few weeks of the new system settling down, plus it took me a good few weeks to relax, look beyond the financial outlay and get used to the new system, but I am now getting that ‘how the hell has that finished so quickly’ more and more, and oh boy is it intoxicating.

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I’ve had the upgraded LP12 on the 552/300 setup for a week now and I am really very pleased with how it’s sounding, particularly on the older analogue recordings. Several older recordings are astonishingly good really, I have a new copy of Crime of the Century and that was the best audio replay I’ve heard. For the newer digital recordings, the ND555 has the edge, though the LP12 does pack a bit more punch in the bass.

So, all in all, I’m well placed to enjoy my 300 odd collection of old records and a few new LPs from the analogue era. I feel I’ve ended up with a great balance for records and digital, which is what I set out to do.


That sounds ( :rofl:) perfect.


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Just returned (yesterday) from Cymbiosis:

A new Simplinth now adorns my Sondek, and an upgrade from Sarum T to Chord Music cable now connects to the Urika.

The plinth is product of master craftsman Simon Price, based in Ashby dela Zouch,

LP12 expert Peter Swain at Cymbiosis replaced the plinth without any issues, took the opportunity to renew the springs and change the bearing oil.
Everything set up to utter perfection :slightly_smiling_face: :ok_hand:

Also collected my 552 and 500 that had returned to Cymbiosis after being away getting pampered at their holiday health resort in Salisbury.

The serviced 500s will remain within their transit boxes until after i check out the rebuilt LP12 with my faithful 72/hicap/180… but can already confirm a noticeable uplift in musicality, my SBLs producing sounds with fascinatingly more grip and resolution than before, especially in the lower bass register… but is this due to the service, the new plinth, the Music cable, or a combination of all three…? :smile: