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Looks good Deb, what is the wood? I was there earlier in the week dropping off my LP12 for a large upgrade and I also get a Simrack next week in Walnut.


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Hello Debs, looks very, very good

All sorts of super gear on this forum, but an LP12 with Simplinth and some LS3/5A loudspeakers plus a Nait 50 are as close as it gets to me


@Debs - just wow!!

@Ian2001 - with you all the way.


None of these. Its due to the removal of Gremlins and their replacement by Faeries… :crazy_face:


The wood is Bocote (apparently pronounced boh-KOH-tay)
Species origin is Mexico though lower Central America


Your new Walnut Simrack will be a fine handcrafted piece of furniture and do an excellent job shelving the audio, congrats! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


Thanks Deb that’s really interesting as I’m going to probably get a new plinth in a few months, I have the standard Rosenut finish on mine at the moment. I’m looking forward to the Simrack, those nice people at Cymbiosis asked Kudos to send some pictures of my new Titan T606 and forwarded on to Simon so he could try and match the finish with the rack. My initial thoughts were to go with a matching plinth, but now I’m torn between that and getting something a little spectacular.

By the way I still covet your gorgeous SBL’s.



Just my own thoughts but maybe not necessary to get too hung up with colour coordination of wood grains around the music room, a bit of diversity can work very well too.

Plinth wood is personal taste so go for what appeals to your heart, it’s great we all have so much choice and whatever flavour one chooses (with or without flutes) is not wrong when the build quality itself is top of the class. :slightly_smiling_face:


Beautiful Debs the plinth looks something special :sunglasses: enjoy.

ATB Graham.

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Out of sheer ignorance I wonder what the build difference leading to sonic improvements (beyond simply - pun unintended, lol - wider wood choice) are between a Simplinth and a standard modern Linn plinth (I have the latter, fluted)? Be interested to know.

I don’t believe for a minute that I could listen to my deck then have the plinth changed then say any difference is purely down to the plinth itself.
Far too many variables in a total rebuild. :thinking:



My original 1982/3 plinth didn’t have corner braces, the new one did. But beyond that I dunno. I’m guessing the braces improved rigidity and therefore the sound…but I wonder if Simplinth has additional build improvements, is all.

Genuine questions - is it suggested that the simplinth makes a difference to the sound? Or have I missed that, in which case, apologies!

I suggest a plausible case of differences due to weight and density of the wood species, which may mean simply that there will be slight differences not in a good or bad way but in flavour of outcome that remains agreeable none the less.

If really concerned then buy a Stiletto which is arguably the very best in sonic quality, but this comes at cost and however agreeable musically these plinths appear purely neutral when aesthetically compared with wood.

IMHO the real sonic gains are with exacting build quality which allows the LP12 builder an easier job putting the components together in the most precisely possible way.

However, i expect most of the musical and sonic gains from my new-rebuild is the Chord Music cable, …but not entirely.


@ospercy…I just don’t know. That’s why I asked. They are a lovely plinth with a wide choice of woods but I always wondered if there were sonic benefits/differences over a standard plinth (like the Stiletto @Debs cited, though I’m not looking to change, was just wondering).


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Not as spectacular as Debs, mine is pretty much standard Linn between selekt and klimax spec. It plays beautifully, nonetheless. Now playing a personal favorite, A House Safe For Tigers by Lee Hazlewood.


SBL Photobomb! ^ :smile: :+1:


I have read that the Walnut sounds best out of all the standard woods, simply because of it’s rigidity , not sure of this is the case as I have never heard six brand identical new LP12s in a comparison

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@Debs : Well thats really one of the most beautiful Plinths I‘ve ever seen! Congrats

@Timbo : the liquid Amber finish from Kudos could be a nice match to that Bokole finish

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It may be that being a natural material there is too much variation from each plank/tree to say a particular wood is always going to be best. I doubt that the plinth maker tests each plank for density and hardness. Then the size of the pieces, the bracing would probably reduce any tonal nature.
Searching Janka scale gives some indication of comparative hardness.
Guitar Lobby site gives some information about the way wood sounds

That plinth looks wonderful Debs, especially set against the black Karmen top-plate. I’ve always tended to prefer the simpler plinth woods to the dramatically grained exotic woods, but that Bocote plinth just looks so good…:+1: Enjoy!